더이상 오픽은 없다 이거보고IM받았음
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해당 자료는 4페이지 까지만 미리보기를 제공합니다.
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더이상 오픽은 없다 이거보고IM받았음에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


Last semester, I was given one project in my Construction designing class. The project wasn't as easy as I thought. I had to do a lot of researches and visit a construction site. We were filming there. After filming, I had to analyze the data. To finish the project we had to spend a lot of time. But, we had to finish it within one month. It was so tight. So, I worked hard with my team. Eventually, we were success and I got good grades.
4) 시험공부 해본 적 있는지, 그 상황과 어떤 시험을 어디서 보았는지. 준비한 것들과 그 결과
Usually, I have to study to be a good engineer. Among the studies I spend much time to study english. Because, in the global era language skills are essential to the good engineers. Two weeks ago, I went to high school to take my English test. Then, I brought a pencil, a eraser and a identity card. The test was difficult, but I tried my best. One week later I can verify the results of the test. I wish to got good grades.


Once, I visited the rural area for volunteering. My friends from the same department and I went to the area near 화성 city. The department head promoted the event very year to experience farming and life in the rural area. That was my first time to help farmers. We stayed there for three days and worked day and night. Male friends worked in the field to harvest potatoes and rice while female friends worked inside the warehouse to put them in the boxes. We had no break except lunchtime. It was very difficult to work all day.
1) 너는 누구와 항상 연락을 많이 하는가?
Every semester, I have a lot of project. To resolve the project, I have a meeting with many team members. For my presents, I have to schedule meetings with them every day. My planner is full of meeting schedules with them because I work with them after school. On weekends, I also make appointments with my friends to go to the movies.
2) 약속을 정하기 전에 일반적으로 하게 되는 것은? 단계별로 약속을 정할 때를 서술하라
My friends and I are crazy about watching movies. When any of us get the information about newly released movies, we firstly send text messages if we are available to enjoy it. Once all agree to watch movies, then I normally reserve tickets on line. I have a membership card to get a large discount for watching them. After confirming the reservation, I send my friends the text message again to inform the exact date, time, and place to meet.
3) 최근에 정했던 약속에 대해 말해 달라. 무엇에 관한 거고 누구와 왜 했나?
Last week, my friend called me if I could watch movie with a foreign friend named 마크. Since we are in summer vacation, I said okay. Above all it was a chance to remove my stress. Then I had a hard time to study English. So I want to practice my knowledge and English skill. After watching movie, We visited 인사동, 서울타워. 마크 was very happy to understand Korea and its culture. He appreciated my kind explanation and information
<병원 치과>
1) 당신이 가는 병원과 치과에 대해 말해라 어디에 있는지 묘사해라
2) 최근에 언제 병원이나 치과에 갔고, 왜 갔냐?
3) 당신의 병원이나 치과의 의사에 대해 알고 싶다. 무슨 옷을 입었는지 자세히 서술하라.
<건강, 건강한 사람>
1) 건강한 사람은 어떤 사람인지 설명하라.
2) 무엇이 사람을 건강하게 만들고 주중이나 주말에 어떤 운동을 해야 하며 무엇을 먹어야 하는가?
3) 너가 아는 건강한 사람에 대해서 말해라 무엇이 그를 건강하게 만드는가?
<한국의 은행>
1) 나는 당신이 자주 방문하는 은행에 대해 알고 싶다. 어디에 있는지 설명하라.
2) 한국의 은행원에 대해서 말해줘라. 그들의 자격과 주 업무는 무엇인가?
3) 은행에서 기억에 남는 경험이 있는가? 언제였고 무슨 일인지 설명하라.
<한국 기념일>
1) 한국의 기념일에 대해 말하고 어떤 종류가 있으며 그에 대해 설명하라
2) 한 가지 한국의 기념일을 선택해서 설명하라. 가족들과 무얼 하는지 처음부터 끝까지 말하라.
3) 어린 시절로 되돌아가서 기념일 날 아이로써 무엇을 했는지 기억나는 경험을 말하라.
1) 너의 도시에서 빌딩들이 어떻게 보이고 어떤 종류가 있느냐?
2) 너네 동네 근처 빌딩에 대해 소개하고 왜 그 빌딩을 좋아하느냐?
3) 너가 가본 빌딩 중 너네 나라에서 가장 높은 빌딩은? 언제 갔고 거기서 뭐했냐?
1) 너의 집에 무슨 가구가 있고 너는 어느 것을 제일 좋아하며 그 가구가 너에게 주는 의미
2) 어디서 가구를 사는가? 가구점의 위치와 누구와 함께 사는가?
3) 최근에 산 가구는 무엇인가? 왜 샀는가?
Actually, I nearly do not buy furniture. because I feel comfortable from used furniture. So most of my furniture is very old. Especially, my desk was almost 10 years. But it is not only sturdy but also convenient. Above all when I use the desk for my study, I got the high score. I think that it's thanks to my desk. so I love it.


OPIC,   어학,   영어 ,   자격증
  • 가격5,600
  • 페이지수13페이지
  • 등록일2012.03.21
  • 저작시기2012.1
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#735170
본 자료는 최근 2주간 다운받은 회원이 없습니다.
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