장애청소년 교육 현황과 발전 방향
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장애청소년 교육 현황과 발전 방향에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


, & Goetz, L.(1994). "Achievement by all students within the context of cooperative learning groups". Jr. of the Asso. for Persons with Severe Handicapped, 19(4), 290~301.
※1. 표본조사를 통한 장애출현율도 연구자마다 다소 다르다. 김승국(1985)은 서울시를 조사 연구하여 초중학교에 4.7%의 심신장애아동이 있다고 보고하였고, 전국 20개 초등학교의 4학년을 조사한 강영택 외(1998)는 장애아동출현율을 4.23%라 하였다. 최근 정동영 외(2001)는 6세에서 11세 사이의 초등학교 학령아동의 특수교육아동 출현율을 2.71%로, 그리고 그 수효는 초등학교 학령아동 전체 수 4,089,429명 중 110,639명으로 추정하여 보고하였다. 이외에, 장애인 실태조사(보건복지부, 2001)에 나타난 5~9세, 10~14세의 장애출현율은 0.84%, 0.80%이다. 물론 이와 같은 장애출현율의 차이는 여러 요인과 함께 장애를 정의하는 기준이나 사회경제적 여건 장애 설정범주 등에 따라 달라질 수 있지만, 교육대상자의 수를 정확히 파악하는 일은 무엇보다도 중요하다. 참고로 1997년 12월 개정된 특수교육진흥법은 제 10조에서 장애의 범주를 시각장애, 청각장애, 정신지체, 지체부자유, 정서장애(자폐성 포함), 언어장애, 학습장애, 기타 교육부령이 정하는 장애의 여덟 가지로 정하고 있음을 언급해 둔다.
The Status on Korean Education for the Handicapped
and the exploration on the direction to be forwarded
* Seoul Institute of the Art
Yoo, Hye-kyung*
The purpose of this study is to review the current status of the education for the handicapped in Korea and to find the guidelines for the directions to be headed. As an analysis on the status of the education for the handicapped in elementary through collages as well as in social education institutions, it was revealed that the handicapped in Korea were placed in seriously unequal situation in the rates of educational beneficiary.
On the basis of the results above, the guidelines on the directions to be headed in the education for the handicapped in Korea can be set up as follows;
1. The rates of educational benefits for handicapped children and adolescence in elementary schools through collages ought to be pulled up to the level of the non-handicapped.
2. Education for the handicapped in elementary through high schools from now on should be headed for integrated education that the handicapped and the non-handicapped study together in the same classroom.
3. The numbers of welfare institutions for the handicapped are needed to be increased and the educational programs are needed to be expanded and intensified as well.
4. The education for the handicapped and the alienated class should be brought up to the social responsibilities of all the schools, colleges, and the organs of expression.
5. Remote-controlled educational systems exploited with information and communication media plus multimedia systems for the handicapped should be systematically developed as soon as possible.
6. The handicapped were found to be much alienated from informationization compared to whole Korean therefore, ongoing informationization education needs to be enforced.
7. To increase the efficiency in the education for the handicapped being performed currently in several government bureau or state organ, it is desirable to form a cooperation system.
8. The final goals of the educational programs directed to the handicapped as well as the educational programs directed to the non-handicapped should be emphasized to escalate the quality of the life and to raise the self-respect.
  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수34페이지
  • 등록일2012.03.13
  • 저작시기2008.05
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#778629
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