관계대명사, 비교구문, 가정법
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관계대명사, 비교구문, 가정법에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


today, he would get there Friday.
① Was he leaving② If he lieaves
③ Were he to leave④ If he is leaving
11. Were it not for the debts, we ________ all right.
① would be② would have been
③ were④ are
12. ________, we should be glad.
① Were they to arrive tomorrow
② They were to arrive tomorrow
③ They would arrive tomorrow
④ They arrive tomorrow
13. If it ________ rain, we ________ wet.
① were to ; should get② were ; would
③ had ; would have got④ was going to ; would get
14. If they were going to the concert, they ________ on their best
① had put② would wear③ will put④ would put
15. If he failed, he ________ still harder.
① tried② had tried③ would try④ was trying
16. If you ________ carefully, you ________ the report well.
① will listen ; will be understood
② will listen ; understand
③ listen ; will understand
④ listen ; understand
17. A: Can you guess if they ________ to play basketball with us?
B: I think they will come if they ________ free.
① come ; are② will come ; will be
③ will come ; are④ come ; will be
18. He said he ________ with you unless you ________ sorry to him.
① wouldn't went ; had said② didn't go ; would say
③ didn't go ; said④ wouldn't go ; said
19. If he ________ to the teacher attentively, he ________ the
answer to the problem now.
① had listened ; would have known
② listened ; would know
③ listened ; would have known
④ had listened ; would have known
20. Had I known her name, ________.
① I will invite her to lunch② she will come here
③ she would come here④ I would have invited her to lunch
21. If I ________ out of ink, I would have finished writing the paper.
① didn't run② shouldn't run
③ haven't run④ hadn't run
22. A: Did you remind him of the meeting?
B: No. If I ________ home, I could have.
① was② had been③ were④ should be
23. If Henry had not pulled his cap low, he ________ by the police.
① might be recognized② might have been recognized
③ would have recognized④ was to have been recognized
24. If we had known that she had planned to arrive today, we
________ her at the bus station.
① may have met② might met
③ may mot④ might have met
25. Had electronic computer not been invented, many problems
of space flight ________.
① could not have been solved② could not be solved
③ can not be solved④ could not have solved
26. A: Did you catch the first bus this morning?
B: No, I didn't.
A: If you ________ earlier, you ________ the bus.
① got up ; would catch
② should get up ; would catch
③ had got up ; would have caught
④ had got up ; would catch
27. ________ he won't agree, what shall we do?
① Provide② Supposing that
③ Seeing that④ In case
28. We'd better take our raincoats ________ it should rain.
① considering that② in case
③ seeing that④ instantly
29. ________ they are just beginners, they are doing quite good a
① Considering that② On condition that
③ Supposing that④ Providing that
30. I'll lend you the book ________ you return it on Monday.
① supposing that② providing that
③ considering that④ on condition that
  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수17페이지
  • 등록일2012.03.13
  • 저작시기2008.12
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#784974
본 자료는 최근 2주간 다운받은 회원이 없습니다.
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