국회의원 보좌진 합격 자기소개서·자소서·이력서 - 야무진 늦깎이 인생
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국회의원 보좌진 합격 자기소개서·자소서·이력서 - 야무진 늦깎이 인생에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


야무진 늦깎이 인생

◆ “합리적인 진보”의 이념성향

◆ 살아 숨 쉬는 정치학, 국회
*국토해양위 국정감사
*예산안심사 및 법률안심사
*열정이 넘치는 이재선 의원님

◆ 국회생활의 첫발
*국정감사를 통한 현실정치 참여
*벌률안을 만들어 보는 소중한 경험
*TV에서만 보던 인사청문회 질의서를 쓰다
*기름유출사고와 특벌법 만들기
*총선준비와 뼈저린 패배

◆ 영어선생님으로서의 사회 첫발

◆ 키부츠에서의 한가로운 생활

◆ 칠레로의 유학준비 시절과 실패

◆ 보다 큰 무대에서 정치학을 공부한 대학원생활

◆ 호반의 도시 춘천에서의 야무진 대학생활

◆평범하고 행복한 집안배경,군생활을 통한 자숙의 시간, 5수 끝에 대학입학

◆ 기독교와 긍정적인 마음가짐

Self-introducing Letters (영어,영문)


is not English(Hebrew), most of people are good English speakers. Maybe, it seems that Israelite educational system has a prestigious methodology. After working, I talked with them about every agenda in English. Naturally, this enabled me to increase English listening and speaking, and also enabled me to understand Western cultures. As another real merit, I have traveled around the Israel. Needless to say, I have traveled Palestine areas, too. This trip could study the field work about Israel-Palestine Relationships, vividly. Communicating with the Palestinian, I could understand their acute mind. I will write a paper about Israel-Palestine Relationships, sooner or later. Currently, I am reading the book written by Noam, Chomsky-Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel & Palestinians.
My advantageous personality has concentration to do my best in working. In other words, I have a tendency to be absorbed in my duties regardless of the consequences. By some possibility, my work brought about bad results. On the contrary, adverse outcome helped me to learn the proficiency. These painful experiences have made a sacrifice of myself for other works. A weak point of my personality cannot sometimes see the woods for trees under converging into working. I am endeavoring to remedy my defects, continuously. Spending much effort and cost to study the political science, I did not make use of due position, yet. It seems to be happy to work on the basis of my specialized knowledge.
  • 가격1,000
  • 페이지수7페이지
  • 등록일2015.02.07
  • 저작시기2010.12
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#955974
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