[원서번역] Advanced Generalist Social Work Practice (저자 - David S. Derezotes) 2장 인간의 다양성 다문화주의, 사회다원주의, 그리고 사회-인구학적 다양성
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[원서번역] Advanced Generalist Social Work Practice (저자 - David S. Derezotes) 2장 인간의 다양성 다문화주의, 사회다원주의, 그리고 사회-인구학적 다양성에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


spiritual, and moral growth.
Concepts 2.17
Gender roles refer to the expected behavior patterns of masculinity and femininity dictated by society.
Gender identity is part of the unchanging core of personality formation.
Sexism means the subjugation of one gender to another and refers to the existing attitudes, policies, and practices that demonstrate this discrimination.
Concepts 2.18
The normalization principle suggests that all people, whether different or not, shold be integrated to the maximum extent possible into the mainstream service delivery system and that services should promote those personal behaviors and characteristics that are culturally as normative as possible.
The least restrictive environment principle supports normalization belief by shifting the focus from large impersonal institutional settings to community and family care as the primary environmental settings for service delivery to people with exceptional physical and mental needs.
The recovery principle further underscores the deeply personal process that takes place in coping with health limitations (caused by mental illness, drug addiction, and deteriorating physical or emotional functioning) by documenting that people who are afflicted with such health problems are able to carry on a rich, satisfying, and productive life.
■■ A holistic Framework for Sensitivity to Human Variability
All people have basic needs of food clothing, and shelter and share similar desires and goals to improve the quality of their lives (Maslow,1968). The way people seek to achieve these desires and goals, however, usually depends on their experience with multiculturalism, stratification influences of social pluralism, and personal socio-demogra -phic variability in endowment, personality, age, gender, sexual orientation, health, and physical and mental abilities. Thus, although all persons have the same problems, concerns, and aspirations, the "isms" (such as racism, classism, sexism, and ageism, to name a few) block opportunities, compound the problems experienced by certain groups of people, and lead to oppression and social injustice.
Although discrimination based on race is illegal, it is still prevalent and continues to be the basis for many macro issues.
Social workers must guard against institutio -nalized practices that perpetuate unequal treatment of communities of color as well as unequal practices with individual of color.
The value of social justice, life choice, and individuality are key tenets of the social work profession. Therefore, social workers are expected to
▶ Help oppressed client systems obtain freedom and growth.
▶ Respect the need of individuals to choose for themselves.
▶ Avoid judging the choice and morality of others' behavior as long as the behavior and choice do not threaten or deprive another of life, choice, or expression.
▶ Promote the tenet that to be human is to have choice in values, lifestyles, and behaviors.
▶ Avoid stereotyping a member of any group.
  • 가격4,000
  • 페이지수21페이지
  • 등록일2015.05.21
  • 저작시기2015.5
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#968731
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