최인훈의 화두를 읽고...[영어감상문(독후감)]
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최인훈의 화두를 읽고...[영어감상문(독후감)]에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.




I couldn't
find the things to grab my interest.
The author described too much about the little tiny private story and he stated same
story repeatedly over and over again.
Also, the story flowed far arbitrarily from the theme and it seems like cutting of the
He employed this way of developing on purpose.
However, the tedious descriptions made me feel painful when I read his story.
It was boring and finally I almost was sleeping even five times while reading
this book.
I so sorry for that but I try to go back to the subject.
This novel is basically that a novelist constructs a novel seeking twenty
Main issue centering journey America and Russia.
At this point of the late twenty century, this main issue explaining work has to
do with last twenty century memory.
He says, when he wrote this story, he felt the weight of pain about 20century.
On the way of tracking down all the memories he is searching the relationships
between twenty century.
'I' and starting to ask 'who am I' and 'what is real human being' based on this.
The author of this work was born in the North Korea at age of Japanese
But he escaped and came to South Korea with his family.
After experiencing of many events in South Korea, he also went through many
changes in the world.
Those memories had a big impact on his novel describing the movement of
North and South Korea, America, and Russia.
They show some broadness and change of his perspectives in width and depth.
'Hwa-Doo' seems a thing that universally follows twenty century itself with the
eyes of the greatest master of this time in a sight of destiny of people in
twenty century.
Based on what I had read, I have come to experience the pain of
liberation of our country and tough times once again in a indirect way.
  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수8페이지
  • 등록일2010.01.13
  • 저작시기2009.5
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#574052
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