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The Analysis of Miroslav Volf’s Malfunction of Return in Evangelistic Perspective
Namsik Kim
Does the Korean Church contribute to Korean society with accountability? Several data answers “no.” In this circumstance, Miroslav Volf points out the one of causes is the malfunction of return of Christians. Volf says that those who have experienced the grace of God tend to be stuck at the ascension point, refuse to return to the world. As a result, many church leaders’ failures dilute the Christian identity as light and salt.
This study is to analyze Volf’s malfunction of return in the perspective of evangelization studies. First, this study shows that the current church leadership failure can be a part of malfunction of return.
Second, this study reveals the causes of malfunction of return. The causes are identified as reductionism, Christian faith that construes the ascension point and is stuck at it, and coercive evangelistic communication without returning.
Third, this study suggests the alternatives to fix the malfunction of return. First, according to Richard Peace’s process evangelism, evangelism can be understood as a process that goes through awakening, conversion, and sanctification. Next, Paul Knitter’s Acceptance Model is suggested. Finally, John Wesley’s social holiness is proposed.
Key Words: Public Theology, Evangelism, Volf’s malfunction of faith, process evangelism, social holiness.
  • 가격15,000
  • 페이지수20페이지
  • 등록일2016.06.14
  • 저작시기2016.5
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#1004282
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