영국 노사관계 현황과 신노동조합주의 도입 및 시사점
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Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 영국의 노사관계 현황
1. 대처와 블레어 정부의 노사관계를 위한 노동정책의 차이
2. 노사관계 당사자 현황

Ⅲ. 영국의 단체교섭(공공부문 중심)과 노사분규
1. 영국의 단체교섭의 변화
2. 영국의 노사분규
3. 현재의 영국의 노동당과 노동조합관의 관계

Ⅳ. 영국의 신노동조합주의의 도입과 평가
1. 신노동조합주의의 등장 배경
1) 전통적인 노동운동의 특징과 전개과정
2) 전통적인 노동운동의 위기
3) 노동조합의 대응
2. 신노동조합주의의 도입과정과 특징
3. 신노동조합주의에 대한 평가
1) 성과와 문제점
2) 사회적 파트너십의 여러 요인

Ⅴ. 결론 및 시사점



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Heery, Edmund and John Kelly. 1994. Professional, Participatory and Managerial Unionism: An Interpretation of Change in Trade Unions. Work, Employment & Society. 8:1. March.
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Heery, Edmund. 1997. Annual Review Article 1996. British Journal of Industrial Relations. 35:1.
Heery, Edmund. 1998. The Relaunch of the Trade Union Congress. British Journal of Industrial Relations. 36:3. September.
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Macalister, Terry and Patrick Wintour. 2001. Firms applaud DTI's new look. The Guardian. November 23, 2001.
Maguire, Kevin. 2001. Unions to rally against public sector reform. The Guardian. October 17, 2001.
McIlroy, John, Nian Fishman and Alan Campbell. eds. 1999. British Trade Unions and Industrial Politics. Volume Two: The High Tide of Trade Unionism, 1964-79. Aldershot: Ashgate.
McIlroy, John. 1998. The Enduring Alliance? Trade Unions and the Making of New Labour, 1994-1997. British Journal of Industrial Relations. 36:4. December.
McIlroy, John. 2000. New Labour, New Unions, New Left. Capital & Class. 71. Summer.
McIlroy, John. 2000. The new politics of pressure: the Trade Union Congress and new Labour in Government. Industrial Relations Journal. 31:1. March.
Minkin, Lewis. 1991. The Contentious Alliance: Trade Unions and the Labour Party. Edinburgh University Press.
Munro, Anne and Helen Rainbird. 2000. The New Unionism and the New Bargaining Agenda: UNISON - Employer Partnerships on Workplace Learning in Britain. British Journal of Industrial Relations. 38:2. June.
Murray, Gregor. 1994. Structure and Identity: The Impact of Union Structure in Comparative Perspective. Employee Relations. 16:2.
Palmer, Caroline. 2001. The freedom to be exploited. The Guardian. October 7, 2001.
Pandya, Nick. 2001. Unions on the march as change in law aids recruitment drive. The Guardian. September 15.
Staff and agencies. 2001. Unions say sackings should be last resort. The Guardian. October 4, 2001.
Terry, Michael. 2001. Can 'Social Partnership' reverse the decline of British unions? IRRU research paper. University of Warwick. March 2001.
Undy, Roger. 1999. Annual Review Article: New Labour's 'Industrial Relations Settlement': The Third Way? British Journal of Industrial Relations. 37:2. June.
Waddington, Jeremy and Colin Whitson. 1996. Trade Unions: Growth, Structure and Policy. In Paul Edwards. ed. Industrial Relations: Theory and Practice in Britain. Oxford: Blackwell.
Young, Hugo. 2001. Blair's love with big business needs to cool off. The Guardian. September 11, 2001.


  • 가격2,900
  • 페이지수24페이지
  • 등록일2008.07.07
  • 저작시기2008.7
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#473102
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