담임유아교사가 지도하는 유아체육활동에 대한 교사 인식 및 실태 조사
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담임유아교사가 지도하는 유아체육활동에 대한 교사 인식 및 실태 조사에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 연구방법
 1. 연구대상
 2. 연구도구
  1) 유아체육활동 인식 및 실태파악 측정 설문지
 3. 연구절차
 4. 자료 분석

Ⅲ. 연구결과 및 해석
 1. 교사의 배경변인에 따른 유아체육활동에 대한 인식도
  1) 기관유형에 따른 유아체육활동에 대한 인식도
  2) 기관규모에 따른 유아체육활동에 대한 인식도
  3) 학력에 따른 유아체육활동에 대한 인식도
  4) 경력에 따른 유아체육활동에 대한 인식도
 2. 유아체육활동에 대한 실태분석
 3. 유아체육활동 활성화 방안

Ⅳ. 논의 및 결론




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The Study on Analysis of Real State and Awareness about Physical Education Activity
of Early Childhood Teachers
The purpose of this study was for finding a way to stimulate physical education activity, though survey and analysis of the real state and the awareness about physical education activity which has been acting by early childhood teachers in their own institution.
The questionnaire to figure out the real state and the awareness about physical education activity, was made through the discussion with professional and analysis the relevant literature. The questionnaire was composed 23 questions which categorized by the awareness on physical education activity, the real state of physical education activity, and physical education activating.
The subject of this study was 250 teachers who have been working at institution for early childhood education. For verifying the collected data for the study, χ² square, and ANOVA were performed.
As a result of this study, it revealed that there are significant differences partially of teacher's awareness on physical education activity, real state of physical education activity and physical education activating in according to teacher's background variable.
  • 가격3,300
  • 페이지수24페이지
  • 등록일2012.05.10
  • 저작시기2012.2
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#745368
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