국제무역사준비 무역영어 무역조회 및 회신
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해당 자료는 6페이지 까지만 미리보기를 제공합니다.
6페이지 이후부터 다운로드 후 확인할 수 있습니다.


국제무역사준비 무역영어 무역조회 및 회신에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. 무역거래조회 및 회신
2. 무역조회작성 요령
3. 무역조회작성 시 유의점
4. 적중예상문제


of 2500 dozen on a test basis
① ㉮-㉰-㉯-㉱ ② ㉯-㉱-㉰-㉮
③ ㉰-㉱-㉯-㉮ ④ ㉰-㉮-㉯-㉱
※ 문 18~22 다음 무역통신문 중 밑줄 친 부분의 뜻과 같은 것을 고르시오.
18. Our present prices for Computer Notebook CN1074 will be very compe-
titive in Singapore market.
① highest② low③ expensive ④ rising
19. We would appreciate your quoting the rock-bottom insurance rate for the following medical equipment 1247.
① most competition ② cheapest
③ expense ④ sky-high
20. You may be assured that our TK1004 quotations are very resonable in your local market.
① low ② advance③ standard ④ benefit
21. You can expect our initial order if you grant us a special discount of 7% off the invoice amount.
① partial ② trial③ complete ④ actual
16. ② 17. ① 18. ② 19. ② 20. ① 21. ②
22. Therefore, we will be glad if you will send us your latest catalog, in- forming us of prices and best terms. If your prices are reasonable and
terms are satisfactory, we will soon place a large order with you.
① sufficient ② suitable③ profit ④ minimum
23. 다음 무역통신문의 괄호 안에 들어갈 단어의 순서가 올바른 것을 고르시오.
The most suitable products ( ) your requirements is item No. 123. This product combines economy ( ) high power output. It is available now ( ) stock.
① of-from-with② from-with-for
③ for-with-form④ of-from-for
※ 문 24~30 다음 괄호 안에 들어갈 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
24. Please send us your quotations GS 2350A by fax of the items listed below, ( ) payment and largest discount.
① for dispatch the schedule ② to send the conditions
③ together with the terms of ④ and plus the followings
25. We are convinced that our goods represent the best values in the market ( ) these figures.
① We are convinced ② We confident
③ We are sure ④ We are assure
26. Consequently, we can not keep the prices effective more than two weeks from the date of this letter and we wish ( ) by return fax.
① to obtain the samples ② to get the shipping
③ to receive your order ④ to sent our order
22. ① 23. ③ 24. ③ 25. ① 26. ③
27. In view of the current price in this market your price is rather high. You must remember that the competition in this line is very strong and ( )
are offering lower prices than yours.
① as your payment ② for your buyer
③ that your competitors ④ to your counter part
28. We are almost certain that we can place ( ) with you and we hope that you will quote your best pricies.
① fairly orders large ② large orders fair
③ large fair requirements ④ fairly large orders
29. We would be glad to receive your latest catalogue and any technical litera- ture you may have recently issued, ( ) prices on the
basis if CIF Pusan.
① as well as your lowest possible export
② your possible export as well
③ your possible lowest
④ and your possible
30. We can supply them at U.S.$20.00 and U.S.$25.00 respectively per dozen FOB Pusan for 20 doz or more, 20 doz ( ). In the case of an order
for over 50 doz we would give you a special discount of 3%.
① for being our large export price ② being our minimum export quality
27. ③ 28. ④ 29. ④ 30. ②
③ our minimum exporting quantity ④ to be our maximum export price
  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수18페이지
  • 등록일2013.04.30
  • 저작시기2013.4
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#841918
본 자료는 최근 2주간 다운받은 회원이 없습니다.
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