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Spessato, B. C., Valentini, N., Gabbard, C., & Rudisill, M. (2013). Gender differences in Brazilian children's fundamental movement skill performance. Early Child Development and Care, 183(7), 916-923.
Werner, P. (1994). Whole physical education. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 8, 40-44.
Zuvela, F., Bozanic, A., & Miletic, D. (2011). A new fundamental movement skills test for 8 year old children: construction and validation. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, 10(1), 157-163.
An analysis on movement education contents for young children on
the teacher's manual of Nurri Curriculum for 3-5 years old
Kim, Sung-JaeHwang, Ji-Ae
The purposes of this research were to analyze movement activities related to basic sector and application sector in the range of young children's movement education contents at this time when Nurri Curriculum for 3-5 years old was commonly fulfilled in kindergarten and day care center, take them as an opportunity to check young children's movement education of our country at present and utilize them as a reference when revising Nurri Curriculum in the future. For the subject of analysis, total 318 activities of five activity forms related to movement activity, such as music, melody, outside(play), body, game, etc, were selected among the total 2,118 activities of teacher's manual vol. 1~11 for teachers in Nurri Curriculum for 3-5 years old, published by Ministry of Education, Science and Technology. Standards of analysis were divided into basic sector and application sector. The former was fundamental movement and perceptual motor and the later was divided into physical expression(imitative, creative), game(tool application, bare hands), dance(imitative, creative), gymnastics (tool application, bare hands) again. The results of analysis were follows. First, the most movement activities were ‘life tool’ as subject in life, in body and game as activity form, 4 years old as age. Second, fundamental movement were analyzed by content ranges. As the result, manipulative movement was the mostly shown. And, for each content, there was the highest distribution of bendingstretching in non-locomotor movement, walking in locomotor movement and throwing in manipulative movement. Third, perceptual motor was analyzed by contents. As the result, spatial awareness showed the highest rate. Fourth application sector was analyzed by content ranges. As the result, game showed the highest distribution and physical expression was following.
  • 가격4,000
  • 페이지수25페이지
  • 등록일2014.01.14
  • 저작시기2014.1
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#902015
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