제주도 에코투어리즘, 생태관광, 영문 레포트, 제주도 친환경관광 레포트. 지속가능 관광 영문 레포트, 제주도 관광 키플레이어
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제주도 에코투어리즘, 생태관광, 영문 레포트, 제주도 친환경관광 레포트. 지속가능 관광 영문 레포트, 제주도 관광 키플레이어에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


Table of contents

Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------------P2

Development theories of ecotourism--------------------------------------p2,3

Dilemmas of tourism industry----------------------------------------------p3,4

Strength and weakness -------------------------------------------------------p4,5

Key stakeholders---------------------------------------------------------------p5,6

Plans and policies of ecotourism development ---------------------------p6,7






It is obvious that the awareness of ecotourism has become the most important concept to be implemented to prevent the future. The tourism industry of both developed and less-developed countries has been developing their tourism programs under the idea of sustainable tourism. In order to understand more about the ecotourism and its’ implementation, it is recommended that studying ecotourism of both developed and less-developed country will reveal the clear idea how education, natural conservation, ecology and policies are interconnected in Jeju island of South Korea and tourism of Kingdom of Tonga. This report is going to critically evaluate, contrast and discuss the factors that influence the ecotourism of both countries. Firstly, Jeju island is well known as the island of volcanic tourism destination. It has developed the unique culture over hundreds of years (Beyond tangerines and palm trees: Jeju's unique culture, 2011). Moreover, the analysts are pointing out that the uniqueness of the island is not only it’s rich natural environment but it’s unique culture believing in 18,000 gods. The villages in the island are formed where they believe the god is living. On the other hand, the kingdom of Tonga is the last kingdom left is south pacific area that is known as the hidden jewel in global tourism industry. Tonga has more than 170 small islands that are mostly made of coral. Therefore, lots of tourists from America, New Zealand and Australia are persuaded to visit the country on their holidays.
-Development theories of ecotourism and it’s original impacts for the sustainable development. Why and how. (중략)
-The dilemmas of the tourism industry of Jeju island and Tonga (중략)
-Analysis of two countries’ strength and weaknesses. (중략)
-Key stakeholders involved in the tourism industry of two destinations and their positive/negative influences on sustainable tourism (중략)
-The ecotourism development plans and policies of the government and related organizations.
Plans, politics and development strategies in proper management (중략)

-Conclusion (중략)
  • 가격2,500
  • 페이지수15페이지
  • 등록일2017.12.01
  • 저작시기2015.7
  • 파일형식기타(docx)
  • 자료번호#1040002
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