태국 관광 실태, 태국 관광 소개, 영문 레포트, 태국의 관광지원 교통편 및 인프라스트럭쳐, 관광객들 성향 분석, 문제점과 기회 서술
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태국 관광 실태, 태국 관광 소개, 영문 레포트, 태국의 관광지원 교통편 및 인프라스트럭쳐, 관광객들 성향 분석, 문제점과 기회 서술에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1.0 Introduction (인트로)
2.0 Thailand overviews (관광 실태 및 강점)
3.0 The Destination Tourism and Hospitality Governance Syste (태국 관광 시스템 및 정부지원).
4.0 Destination infrastructure (관광지 기반시설 및 교통편)
5.0 Destination Visitor Markets (태국 방문 관광객 분석)
6.1 Business Problem (문제점)
6.2 Opportunities (기회)


1.0 Introduction
The kingdom of Thailand is one of the most loved tourist destinations in the world over pass years. Each year thousands of travellers are attracted by the brilliant Buddhist country in Southeast Asia to spend their holidays. Thailand is also named as ‘Golden Land’ not only because of the apparent precious metal buildings on the ground but the spirit of country -wealthand culture, hospitality, finest natural attractions, Thai food and year around sunshine and even more features that makes Thailand truthful special. Through the overview, tourism system, infrastructure, visitor market and main issues of Thailand in this report, a few general views will explain what makes Thailand so unforgettable asa travellers’ destination.
2.0 Thailand overviews:
Thailand is in Southeast Asian with an area of 510,000 square kilometres and a population of 57 million (1). Apparently, Thailand is large tropical country, so it’s temperaturesremains at28-35°C around all year(2), the best time to visit Thailand is between November to the end of February when it does not rain too much but with coolest temperatures and clear sky. Culturally, 95% of Thai populationbelieve in Buddhism. People believe that selfishness and rapacity result in suffering after life and whereas compassion and love bring happiness and well – being (3). Thus, Thai treat everything in an extremely gentle way, whichis attributed to why Thailand being called ‘the land of smiles’. Somepopular traditional arts in Thailand include traditional Thai dancing and music, based on Thai’s religious. The country’s best known sport - Thai boxing, is originated from the military specializing intraining Thai warriors who protect the king.
  • 가격1,500
  • 페이지수11페이지
  • 등록일2017.12.01
  • 저작시기2012.4
  • 파일형식기타(docx)
  • 자료번호#1040003
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