ASMR 방송 시청 동기와 만족도 및 재시청의도에 관한 연구 : 대학생 집단을 중심으로
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ASMR 방송 시청 동기와 만족도 및 재시청의도에 관한 연구 : 대학생 집단을 중심으로에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. 연구의 배경
2. 이론적 논의
3. 연구 문제와 연구 방법
4. 연구 결과
5. 논의 및 결론
- 녹취록
- 인터뷰 참여자 응답표


1-2. 봤던 방송 다시 보기?
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다시 보고 있다 이미
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아뇨. 안 봐요
텀이 길면 다시 볼 듯
1-3. 지속성 예상?
계속해서 볼 듯. 수면 위해
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점차 보는 횟수가 줄긴 함. 다시 들을 수도
아주 가끔 볼 것 같다
2. 다른 사람의 재시청의도
그렇게 높진X
효과를 노린게 아니면 재미가 없어서 다시 안볼듯
계속 볼 듯
보는 사람은 계속 볼 듯 / 댓글에서도 확인 가능
계속 볼 듯
사람마다 다름
잘 안들을 듯.
막 재밌고 그런 콘텐츠는 아니니까
효과를 보는 사람들은 계속 볼 듯
+ 좋아하는 소리?
물건 만지는 소리 (나무 조각) / 모래소리
로션 소리 / 귀 청소 / 미끌 거리고 질척거리는 소리
상황극 소리
가성으로 속삭이는 소리
상황에 따라 다름(배고플 때, 들떠 있을 때 등)
그나마 음식관련 소리
귀 청소 하는 소리
+ ASMR 방송 알게된 경위
선배의 추천
지인의 소개
유튜브 서핑
Study of motivation for watching, satisfaction, and intention of re-watching about ASMR broadcast: focusing on college students
■ Table of Contents
1. The background of research
2. Theoretical discussion
3. Research question & Method of research
4. Research results
5. Discussion & Conclusion
Yoon Dong Hyun
■ Abstract
The internet broadcasting market is getting bigger, and the content area of personal broadcasting is also expanding. The types of internet broadcasting are diverse such as eating-show, cooking-show, game broadcasting, music broadcasting, humor broadcasting, beauty broadcasting, and daily broadcasting. In particular, ASMR broadcasting has become popular recently and is expanding its scope. Under this circumstances, this study attempts to study ASMR broadcasting users, in a situation where studies on ASMR are insufficient. The purpose of this study is to investigate the motivation to watch ASMR broadcasting, satisfaction with ASMR contents, and intention of re-watching of ASMR contents, focusing on the twenties college students who use Internet broadcasting a lot. The motivation for watching ASMR broadcasts, which were found by conducting in-depth interviews with 4 males and 4 females, was largely determined in five ways. These are \'Sleep motivation\', \'Motivation to pursue tingle\', \'Curiosity resolution motive\', \'Learning concentration motive\', and \'Motive to satisfy surrogate satisfaction\'. Especially, \'Motive to satisfy surrogate satisfaction\' was an unexpected result. And satisfaction with ASMR broadcasting has changed according to the viewing motivation. However, there were both satisfied and dissatisfied respondents who watched ASMR broadcast with the same motivation, which is the result of the differences in the preference and sensitivity of each person. On the other hand, unlike the initial expectation, intention of re-watching showed a direct correlation with satisfaction rather than viewing motivation. This is what this study found \'the key to sustainable viewing\' of ASMR users. This study is meaningful in that it is the first research on users of ASMR broadcast and that it has revealed important factors to be considered in planning ASMR contents.
Keywords : ASMR boradcast / Internet 1 person broadcasting / Personal broadcasting /
User research / motivation for watching / satisfaction / intention of re-watching
  • 가격5,000
  • 페이지수24페이지
  • 등록일2021.01.26
  • 저작시기2017.6
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#1144173
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