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2)섭식장애와 폭식행동의 특징
1. 신경성 폭식증에서의 폭식행동
2. 신경성 식욕부진증에서의 폭식행동

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variant hypothesis. Psychological Bulletin, 102, 150-158.
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24. Kirkley, B.G. & Schneider, J.A., Agras, W.S.(1985). Comparison of two group treatments for bulimia nervosa, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Vol. 53, No. 1, 43-48.
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26. Orleans, C.T., & Barnett, L.R.(1984). Bulimanorexia : Guidelines for behavioral assessment and treatment. In R.C. Hawkins, W.J. Fremouw, & P.F. clement(Eds.), he binge-purge syndrome : Diagnosis, Treatment and research (pp. 144-177). New York : Springer.
27. Polivy, J., & Herman, C.P.(1985). Dieting and binging : A casual analysis. American Psychologist, 40, 193-201.
28. Rosen, J.C., & Leitenberg, H.(1982). Bulimia Nervosa : treatment and exposure and response prevention. Behavior Therapy, 13, 117-124.
29. Rosen, J.C., & Leitenberg, H., Fisher, C. & Khazam, C.(1986). Binge-eating episodes in bulimia nervosa : The amount and type of food consumed. International Journal of Disorders, 5, 255-267.
30. Schneider, J.A., Agras, W.S.(1985). A cognitive behavioral group treatment of bulimia, British Journal of Psychiatry, 146, 66-69.
31. Vandereycken, & D. Ploog(Eds.), The psychology of bulimia(pp. 33-41). Munich: Springer-Verlag.
32. Walsh, B.T., Hadigan, C.M., Kissileff, H.R., & Lachaussee, J.L.(1992). Bulimia nervosa : A syndrome of feast and famine. In : G.H. Anderson & S.H. Kennedy(Eds.), The biology of feast and famine. New York: Academic Press.
A Investigation into Binge Eating Behavior
Sungsook Kong
Recent Sociocultural values emphasize thinness, so most women are dissatisfied with their bodies and preoccupied with dieting. Therefore they go on strict diets, which lead to binge eating and purging as compensatory behavior. These practices can develop into eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, which are associated with psychological variables such as body dissatisfaction, low self-esteem and depression.
Eating disorders have increased rapidly since 1990 in Korea, but there have been few therapeutic interventions. However, there have been a large amount of research done on eating disorders and their therapeutic solutions in western countries. Cognitive behavioral therapy has been known to be the most effective among psycho an behavioral therapies because it intervenes not only in eating disorders deals with the psychological variables. Most patients with eating disorders are women nurses have easy to access to them and prevention. Therefore, the therapeutic intervention of eating behavior is to be a important role of community mental health nurse and clinical specialist nurse in the future.


폭식,   행위,   장애,   인지,   치료
  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수12페이지
  • 등록일2002.02.15
  • 저작시기2002.02
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#191458
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