40회 사법시험 1차시험 영어 (98년)
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40회 사법시험 1차시험 영어 (98년)


s an
article about the salaries of college professors, who earn
much less. Is it true that Madonna is much more
important to society than a college professor?
She entertains people, and they buy her CDs, play them a
few times, and then forget them. What do professors do?
They produce cures for cancer; they add to our knowledge;
they train people to work for society. It seems that A .
◎ Choose the title of the above passage?
①What do Madonna and college professors do?
②What does Madonna do for society?
③Why does Madonna earn so much money?
④What occupation is more important to society?
⑤Madonna, the $60 Million woman.
〈정답〉 > ④
◎ Choose the one which appropriately expresses the above
①People never forget Madonna’s songs.
②College professors can entertain people as well as
Madonna can.
③College professors are more valuable to society than
pop stars.
④The writer believes that Madonna is more important to
society than anybody else.
⑤Many people remember Madonna’s songs for a long
〈정답〉 > ③
◎ Relating to “college professors”, which of the following
is not mentioned in the given passage?
①They broaden our knowledge.
②They train people to work for society.
③They produce medicine for the health of people.
④They earn much less than pop singers like Madonna.
⑤They write articles for newspaper.
〈정답〉 > ⑤
◎ Choose the one which can be used appropriately to fill
out A .
①the more people earn, the less they help the society
②pop stars should earn more money than they do now
③the more people earn, the more they help the society
④pop stars who earn much more than professors should
be considered to be important
⑤college professors are less important to society than
〈정답〉 > ①
※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. (문39 ~ 문40)
Some critics may question the policy of using science and
technology to aid reproduction. To the parent hoping for a
child, these new methods may represent God. But by
utilizing such enhanced methods of fertility, we are going
against the very basic principles of evolution. If the aim of
evolution is to screen out unfit genes from a population and
aid the perpetuation of superior genes, artificially induced
fertility may bring with it a multitude of unforeseen
repercussions. _______ how tempting reproductive therapy
is, we won’t know the negative side effects of this
technology until we come to a stage at which we may not
be able to do much about them.
◎ Choose the one which is most appropriate for the blank.
①As a result of
② Concerning
③ Depending on
④Regardless of
⑤ Thanks to
〈정답〉 > ④
◎ Which of the following best expresses the idea of the
①People should use these new methods to aid
②People should realize the importance of enhancing
methods of fertility.
③People should be cautious of the side effects of these
enhanced methods of fertility.
④These new methods of fertility should support the
principles of evolution.
⑤As a result of these enhanced methods of fertility,
inferior genes should not be survived.
〈정답〉 > ③


사법시험,   1차,   영어,   40회,   시헙,   98년
  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수13페이지
  • 등록일2002.04.05
  • 저작시기2002.04
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#192642
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