한국 방송 심의제도에 관한 역사적 고찰
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Ⅰ. 방송과 심의제도
1. 방송 심의의 의미
2. 방송 심의의 영역
Ⅱ. 한국 방송 심의의 역사
1. 방송 심의제도의 변화
2. 방송심의 내용의 변화
3. 한국 방송 심의제도의 문제점
Ⅲ. 방송 심의제도의 개선 방향


ting", Study of Broadcasting (NHK), No. 29.
Scannell, Paddy (1989). "Public service broadcasting and modern public life", Media, Culture and Society, Vol. 11.
Williams, Raymond (1990). Television: Technology and Cultural Form, London: Routledge
A historical study on the deliberation system in Korea broadcasting
The purpose of this study is designed to explore the relationships between 'public interest' and broadcasting regulation and to propose some alternatives with audience participation for deliberating broadcasting. A broadcasting deliberation system is the most generalized regulating tool in Western Europe and North America as well. This study argues that a reconstruction of a broadcasting deliberation system is essential for the realization of 'audience sovereignty' or 'audience welfare', providing a new legislative framework for regulating broadcasting and improving the audience participation.
This study investigates two area of inquiry; Firstly, what is the specific rationale and consequence of broadcasting deliberation in Korea since 1950s?. In Korea, broadcasting service was strictly controled by political power from the beginning up to as late as 1987, as a result of which the broadcasting deliberation system was employed as a means of government's political control. Though the existing legislative framework regulates a broadcasting deliberation system as seen in the the Korean Broadcasting Ethics Committee(1963-1980), the Korean Broadcasting Deliberation Committee(1981-1987), the Broadcasting Committee(1988- to present), the government practices of control has not been discarded.
Secondly, How can we best meet the public interest through the deliberation system? The key point is here related to the audience's participation. The audience's participation should be widely extended to take in policy making, deliberation and programming. This is particularly urgent as regards deliberation, where there must be a reform concerning the nomination of main staff members in the public regulation organization and new provision and programming for the audience participation.
As the conclusion, this study suggests the following alternatives. First of all, there is a need for a new legislative framework in relation to license deliberation and programming evaluation designed to fulfill public interest. Second, the independence of the broadcasting deliberation system should be guaranteed to minimize government domination and control, and at the same time to extend audience participation. Third, the public broadcasting deliberation committee should make clear the provisions for a accurate deliberation standards and programme quality evaluation standards. Moreover, it is necessary to set up the standards of 'quality broadcasting'. This study concludes that the realization of public interest in broadcasting lies not so much in the consumer's choice among commercialized programmes as in the audience's participation in the deliberation process.
  • 가격3,300
  • 페이지수29페이지
  • 등록일2002.05.24
  • 저작시기2002.05
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#195065
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