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orary Books, Inc.
Kaskie, S.(1982). A woman's golf game. Chicago, IL: Contemporary Books, Inc.
Maddalozzo, G.R.J.(1987). An anatomical and biomechanical analysis of the full golf swing. National Strength and Conditioning Assocication Journal, 9.
Mann, R., & Griffin, F.(1988). Fundamentals of a model swing. Golf Illustrated, Feb.
Neal, R.J., & Wilson, B.D.(1985). 3D kinematics and kinetics of the golf swing. International Journal of Sport Biomechanics, 1.
Parchman, L.L.(1970). Cinemato- graphcal and Mechanical analysis of the golf swing of female golfers. Doctoral Dissertation, Louisiana State University.
Park Jin.(1993). A kinematic comparison of the skill techniques of men and women golfers. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Northern Colorado.
Plagenhoff, S.(1971). Patterns of Human Motion. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall Inc.
Plagenhoef, S., Evans, F.G., & Abdelnour, T.(1983). Anatomical data for analyzing human motion. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 54(2).
Richards, J., Farrell, M., Kent, J., & Kraft, R.(1985). Weight transfer pattegun during the golf swing. R.Q for Exercise and Sport, 56.
Sanders, R.H., & Owens, P.C.(1992). Hub movement during the swing of elite and novice golfers. International Journal of Sport Biomechanics, 8.
Stockton, D. (1992). Why women need a different setup. Golf Digest, Jan.
Wallace, E.S., Graham, D., & Bleakyle, E.W.(1990). Foot-to -ground pressure patterns during the golf drive: a case study involving a low handicap player and a high handicap player. Golf and Science.
A Kinematic Analysis of the Professional Women Golfers' Stroke
Lee, Jong-Young Kim, Han-Soo Yim, Jeung-Il
The major objective in this study is to analyze kinematic variables of professional women golfers' driving stroke using the 3-D method.
Based on the results of this study, the following conclusions were drawn:
1. The forearm-club angle at the end of backswing varied from 37。 to 70。
2. The extremely long backswing of this study showed the mean of the hip rotating 59。 backward while the line through the shoulders rotated an average of 97。
3. The amounts of the left shoulder joint horizontal displacement during the downswing varied from 25cm to 31cm while those of the left hip joint varied from 15cm to 22cm. It appears that all golfers moved their shoulders relative to the hips maximally.
4. The average width of stance was 35cm.
5. The inclination of the trunk and the head at the end of backswing ranged from 14。 to 20。 end 23。 to 31。, respectively.
6. The angle between the right upper arm and trunk at the end of backswing varied from 40。 to 90。, with the majority ranged from 47。 to 60。.
7. The average duration of the downswing was 0.29 sec.
8. The range of the horizontal displacement of c.g was from 6.1cm to 11.6cm.
9. The linear velocity of the clubhead and the right wrist at impact ranged from 25.6m/s and 3.3m/s to 4.7m/s, respectively.
10. The average ratio of time between 'cocking' and 'uncocking' showed 6.2 to 3.8.


  • 가격1,300
  • 페이지수10페이지
  • 등록일2002.07.06
  • 저작시기2002.07
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#197941
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