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Ⅳ. 논의 및 결론


Jiang, Z.(1991). The effects of qi gong training on postworkout anxiety, mood state, and heart rate recovery of high school swimmers. Doctorial Dissertation, University of Utah.
Kharlsa, S.K.(1990). Effects of two types of meditation on self -esteem of introverts and extroverts. UMI Dissertation Services.
Leigh, W.S.(1987). A zen approach to body therapy. Honolulu: The Institute of Zen Studies.
Reddy, B.A., Ath, D., & Bai, J.L. (1974). The effect of the TM program on athletic perfor- mance. Western Psychological Association, pp.25-28.
Routt, T.(1973). Transcendental Meditation and Relaxed States: A pilot study comparing physiological parameters. Huxley College of Environ- mental Studies. Western State University, Bellingham.
Seiler, R.(1992). Performance enhance- ment - A psychological approach. Sport Science Review, 1(2). pp.29-45.
Shapiro, D.H.(1980). Meditation: Self-regulation strategy and altered state of consciousness. Haw thorne, NY: Aldine.
Thorpe, T.J.(1976). The effects of integral hatha yoga on self-actualization, anxiety and body-cathexis in drug users. Dissertation Abstracts Inter- national, 37. p.2551B.
Throll, D.(1981). Transcendental meditation and progressive relaxation: Their psychological effects. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 37. pp.776-781.
Wallace, R.K., Benson, H., Wilson, A., & Garrett, M.(1971). Decreased blood lactate during TM. Proceedings of the Federation of American Society for Experimental Biology, 30(2). March-April, p.376.
Effects of Dan-jun Breathing Training on Shooting Performance in Archery
Cho, Chun-Ho Park, Jin-Sung
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of Dan-jun breathing training on archery shooting performance. In this study, 32 second year junior high school boys were used as subjects. They were randomly assigned to one of four groups; Dan-jun breathing training group(8 males), Dan-jun breathing and aerobic training group(8 males), aerobic training group(8 males), reinforcement training group(8 males).
In Dan-jun breathing training group, subjects were asked to practice Dan-jun breathing in the training room specially prepared for them in Y-dong, Pusan city. They had 12 weeks of breathing training 3 times a week and 60 minutes a day.
In Dan-jun breathing and aerobic training group, subjects had 12 weeks of training consisting of 30 minutes of breathing training and 30 minutes of aerobic training in the same way.
In aerobic training group, subjects performed various kinds of aerobic training for 12 weeks, three-times a week and 60 minutes a day.
In reinforcement training group, subjects performed various kinds of weight lifting and stretching along with mental training and archery shooting skills for 12 weeks, three-times a week and 60 minutes a day.
Based on 3 months of implementation, it is concluded that there was significant difference in the archery shooting records between Dan-jun breathing training group and the aerobic group in the absolute and variable errors.
  • 가격1,300
  • 페이지수10페이지
  • 등록일2002.07.06
  • 저작시기2002.07
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#197942
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