여성주의적 관점에서 본 인격적 성숙과 영적 성숙 (신학 여성주의)
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I. 들어가는 말
II. 인격적 성숙과 영적 성숙의 관계
III. 인격적 성숙과 영적 성숙에 관한 이론들에 대한 비판적 고찰
1. 신앙발달이론에서 본 인간의 인격적이고 영적인 성숙
2. 신앙발달이론의 기초가 된 발달심리이론들에 대한 비판
3. 여성의 성숙을 이해하는데 있어서 여성주의 심리학의 공헌과 한계점
IV. 여성주의적 관점에서 인격적이고 영적으로 성숙한 여성에 대한 이해
1. 인격적이고 영적인 성숙의 자리로서의 몸
2. 인지적 차원의 성숙
3. 정서적 차원의 성숙
4. 행위적 차원의 성숙
5. 직관과 상상력의 차원의 성숙
6. 종교경험과 종교행위적 차원의 성숙
V. 결어


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Wimberly, Anne S. Soul Stories. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1994.
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Personal Maturity and Spiritual Growth
in a Feminist Perspective
Baek, Eun-mi
Assistant Professor
Ehwa Womans University
Seoul, Korea
The primary purpose of this paper is to explore the multiple dimensions of women's personal maturity and spiritual growth in a feminist perspective. Even though it is not possible to develop a universal norm of personal maturity and spiritual growth, it is very important to understand diverse dimensions of faith and dynamic processes of maturation in order to empower and nurture each person's spiritual growth. Despite the importance, women's personal maturity and spiritual growth has rarely been acknowledged or studied in Christian communities and in academic fields focused on human development and religious education. Women's spirituality and personal maturity are integrated in mutual and reciprocal ways. Therefore, it is important to understand women's embodied spiritual growth in relation to multiple dimensions such as physical, intellectual, emotional, intuitive, and social growth, involving the whole spiritual person in holistic ways.
This paper critically examines the faith development theories and human development theories focusing particularly on their male-centered prejudice toward women's development. To advocate their limitations and to explore an alternative way, the paper draws upon feminist understandings of women's personal maturity and spiritual growth. This paper also discusses the strengths and limitations of the feminist theories that reevaluate feminine values in understanding women's spiritual growth in a holistic way.
Women's spiritual growth and personal maturity are integrated and can best be understood by exploring the meaning of maturity in a holistic ways. This paper articulates six categories for understanding women's personal maturity and spiritual growth; woman's body as basis and center of spiritual growth; embodied knowing as connected knower; emotional growth as mutual and interdependent trust; social behavior freed from sex-role stereotype; intuitive ability and creative and prophetical imagination; conversion experience as spiritual turning. These six categories are dynamically interrelated in women's embodied spiritual journeys.
  • 가격3,300
  • 페이지수33페이지
  • 등록일2002.07.13
  • 저작시기2002.07
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#198578
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