미국주식시장에 대한 한국주식시장의 동조화 현상
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Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 연구의 방법

Ⅲ. 연구의 결과
3.1 영향력분석
3.2. 거래전략분석

Ⅳ. 결 론



일주가의 한국주가에 미치는 영향에 대한 실증분석", 증권.금융연구,. 제3권 1호(서울대 증권.금융연구소), pp. 1-20.
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4. 조담, 양채열(2000), "우리나라 주가변동에 대한 미국주가의 영향", 한국재무학회, 2000년 춘계학회발표논문.
5. Agmon, T.(1972), "The Relations Among Equity Markets: A Study of Share Price Co-movements in the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and Japan", Journal of Finance, pp. 839-855.
6. Bae, K. H. and A. G. Karolyi(1994), "Good News, Bad News and International Spillovers of Stock Return Volatility between Japan and US", Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, pp. 405-438.
7. Becker, K., Finnerty, J. and M. Gupta(1990), "The International Relation between the U.S. and Japanese Stock Markets", The Journal of Finance, pp. 1297-1306.
8. P. and J. Kelleher(1988), "The International Transmission of Stock Price Disruption in October 1987", Federal Reserve Bank of New York Quarterly Review, pp. 17-33.
9. Eun, C. S. and S. Shim(1989), "International Transmission of Stock Market Movements", Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 24, pp. 241-256.
10. Hilliard, J. E.(1979), "The Relationship between Equity Indices on World Exchanges", Journal of Finance, pp. 103-114.
11. Jaffe, J. and R. Westerfield(1985), "The Week-end Effect in Common Stock Returns: The International Evidence", The Journal of Finance, 40, pp. 433-454.
12. Ko, K. and S. Lee(1991), "A Comparative Analysis of the Daily Behavior of Stock Returns: Japan. the US and the Asian NICs", Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, pp. 219-234.
13. Panton, D., V. Lessiq and O. Joy(1976), "Comovement International Equity Markets: A Taxonomic Approach", Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, pp. 415-432.
14. Roll, R.(1988), "The International Crash of October 1987", Financial Analysts Journal, 44, pp. 19-35.

The Linkage of Korea Stock Markets to U.S. Stock Markets
Kim, Hyung-Do*
This paper empirically investigates the linkage of Korea stock markets to U.S. stock markets. It finds a high correlation between stock returns for the New York Stock Exchange in the previous trading day and the Korea Stock Exchange in the current period while the performance in the New York Stock Exchange does not influence KOSDAQ returns. The results also show that the performance of NASDAQ stongly influences stock returns in both the Korea Stock Exchange and KOSDAQ, and that the highest correlation appears between NASDAQ and KOSDAQ. High correlations between the stock returns in U.S. markets and the open to close returns in Korea markets are a violation of the efficient market hypothesis. In trading simulation, the results demonstrate that next day market performance in Korea is predicted by the U.S. market and that trading strategies followed U.S. stock movements produce the excess profits in Korea stock markets.
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* Dong-Eui University, Department of Business Administration, Associate Professor
Key Words : linkage, Korea Stock Markets, U.S. Stock Markets, Korea Stock Exchange, New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, KOSDAQ
  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수15페이지
  • 등록일2002.08.02
  • 저작시기2002.08
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#200111
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