초등학교 체육시설의 보유 및 현황 실태 분석
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Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 학교 체육시설의 기준

Ⅲ. 연구방법

Ⅳ. 결과 및 논의

V. 결론 및 제언



ical facilities, and to supply upright information for the equipment of physical facilities. I made 45 schools in city and 30 schools in Myun, total 75 schools located in chon-buk, ad a subject of this study.
First, 75 school's playground possession rate was low at 13.1%. In the case of the school has than 12 classes, its rate was greatly high at 506.2%. But in the case of the school has less than 37 classes, its rate was just 3.1%. Also, the average area per head of students was 8.5m2 in region of city but was 53.9m2 in region of myun. There was a great difference.
Second, only 24 schools of 75 school had a gymnasium(32.0%). In case of the school less then 12 classes was very low at the rate of 10.3%. On the other hand, in case of the school has more than 37 classes was comparatively high at the rate of 70.0%. By the location groups, city region has more than 37 classes was highest at the rate of 70.0%, but in the case of the school has less than 12 classes was lowest at the rate of 0%.
Third, the total standard numbers of wall-bars facilities of 75 schools is 105, but these schools had only 77 at the rate of 73.3%. By the class groups, in the case the school has less than 24 classes was 102.2% but the school has from 25 to 48 classes was 50.0%. By the location groups, city region was 62.2%, and myun region was 100% myun region was outstandingly high. The standard of wall-bars's one kan is 90㎝ in length, 260㎝ in height. But these schools was averagely 74㎝ in length, 248㎝ in height.
Fourth, the number of standard horizontal bar if 206. But these schools had 234 above standard(113.6%). By the number of classes, in case of the school has less than 12 classes was 146.6% and by the location groups myun region was highest at the rate of 145.5%. In the standard of length, the low size is 120㎝, the middle size is 150㎝, the high size is 180㎝. In case of the school has more than 37 classes was equally 163㎝. By regional groups, city region was 171㎝ and myun region was 183㎝.
Fifth, 62 schools of all hold the field of remotely leaping, and the rate was 82.7%. In case of city region was 80.0% and myun region was 86.7%. Also, the size of city school was 418.8㎝ in width and 924.4㎝ in length. The size of myun school was 374.0㎝ in width, and 761.5㎝ in length. And the thickness of sand was 13.9㎝ in city region, and 24.2㎝ in myun region.
Sixth, the feet stamping board of remotely leaping was equipped at 32 schools(42.7%). City region was 44.4% and myun region was 40.0%. Considering the conditions of feet stamping board, the school of city region was 175.8㎝ in width, and 20.0㎝ in length. myun region was 195.1㎝ in width, and 19.0㎝ in length.
Seventh, the field of ssyrum was equipped only at 23 schools(30.7%). Also, considering the length of ssyrum and in case of myum field's diameter, in case of city region was 697.5㎝, and in case of myun region was 593.1㎝. Also, the thickness of sand was 30.5㎝ in the school of city region, and 34.2㎝ in the school of myun region.


  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수17페이지
  • 등록일2002.10.19
  • 저작시기2002.10
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#207265
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