한국의 보육정책과 아동복지에 관한 연구
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제1장 서 론
제1절 연구의 목적과 방법
제2절 연소자 보육과 복지의 개념

제2장 아동의 보육과 사회화
제1절 아동의 사회화 과정
제2절 탁아와 아동의 발달
제3절 현대산업사회와 보육

제3장 보육제도의 구조와 기능
제1절 한국의 보육제도
1. 보육기관의 종류와 성격
2. 한국보육제도의 분석과 새로운 모형의 제안
제2절 외국의 아동보육제도
제3절 보육제도의 비교와 유형
1. 각국 보육제도의 비교
2. 보육제도의 분류
3. 보육기관의 형태

제4장 한국의 연소자보육과 사회정책
제1절 사회정책과 보육예산
1. 사회정책
2. 비용부담체계
3. 정부예산의 지체현황
제3절 우리나라 보육의 실태와 문제점
1. 제도
2. 보육현황
3. 문제점

제5장 결 론


ay Care' has emerged out of these problems. The 'Day Care' was to care for children from an indigent home, but it has become an inevitable social service for social working housewives in the middle class as industralization expands. Therefore it requires a full-package program not only for protecting children, but also for developing into a full-person. According to this social change, the word 'Day Care' estends even to 'education' as well as 'protection'.
With rapid industrialization in our country, the Day Care suddenly came to be as a major social issue. This has made the emergence of many Day Care Centers considerable. Now, the matter of Day Care is the core of Child Welfare Policy, and it is required by us to study this with actual and systematic effort. 'The purpose of this study is to sxamine the children's socialization process through 'Day Care' and to consider the Korean Child Welfare Policy. In the first part, the basic concept of socialization and the function of social agencies concerning child-development, especially the theories about Day Care, are mentioned. In the middle part, The structure and function of Korean Day Care System are compared and analized with other Care System. In the final paart, the basic direction of Korean Day Care Policy and Social Policy is showwn, and actual condition, problems and remedies are discussed.
The conclusion of this article is as follows. The role of local government bodies are required to increase in order to meet the various requirements about nurture as per region. The care of handicapped children, Day Care for infant and Day Care in agricultural regions are the most important issues in our country concerning Day Care. They are the first benificiaries but they have not been considered as the first benificiaries and rather they mark the last benificiaries. In order to improve this state, the government should increase funds in their Day Care budgets into these areas which are mentioned above. Additionaly, the public and private sectors are expected to play their roles as well. Namely, the public role is to specialize in the fragility and the private role is to specialise in the common part. Indeed these principles were established, but they have not yet been enforced Therefore I think that our 'Edu-care' system is to be changed to a "Preschool--Family Day Home" system, which I am suggesting for the improvement of this current Korean Day Care System. Another issue is that government make nothing of private kindergartens which cover over 80% of preschool-education in Korea. The kindergartens should receive political and financial supports from the government, and should be viewed as public-education. Finally, The national waste and troubles between Day Care Centers and kindergartens, which is caused by dualzation of the 'Edu-care' system, could be deleted through taking the system of "Preschool -- Family Day Home" which I suggested.
This study is composed of the above mentioned cotents.


  • 가격1,900
  • 페이지수42페이지
  • 등록일2002.11.06
  • 저작시기2002.11
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#210636
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