생활체육 참여가 청소년의 사회심리적 정신건강에 미치는 영향
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Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 연구 방법

Ⅲ. 결과 및 논의
1. 결 과
1) 생활체육 참여와 사회적 역할수행 및 자기 신뢰에 대한 결과
2) 생활체육 참여기간과 우울에 대한 결과
3) 생활체육 참여기간과 수면 장애 및 불안에 대한 결과
4) 생활체육 참여기간과 일반 건강 및 생명력에 대한 결과
2. 논 의

Ⅳ. 결 론



ysis based on a review of literature. Adolescent, 16, 415-431.
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Hackfort, D.(1993). Health and Wellness: A sport psychology perpective. 8th Sport psychology World Congress Proceedings, 92-103.
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McCullagh, P., Noth, T.C., & Hood, D.(1988). Exercise as a treatment for depression: A meta-analysis. Paper presented at the meeting of north American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity. Knoxville, TN.
Morgan, W.P.(1985). Affective benefi- cence of vigorous physical activity. Medicine and Science in Sports and Eercise, 17, 94-100.
North, T.C., McCullagh, P. & vn Ttan, Z.(1991). Effect of exercise on depression. Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews. New York: Macmillan, 18, 379 -415.
Petruzello, S.J., Landers, D.M. Hatfield, B.D., Kubitx, K.A. & Salazar, W.(1991). A meta -analysis on the anxiety- reducing effects of acute and chronic exercise. Sports Medicine, 11, 143-182.
Renberg, R.A. & Schafer, W.E. (1968). Participation in interscholatic athletics and college expectations. American Journal of Sociology, 73, 732-740.
Schafer, W.E.(1969). Participation in interscholatic athletics and delinqucecy : A preliminary
analysis. Social Preblems, 17, 40-47.
Segrave, J.O.(1983). Sport and juvenile delinquency. Exercise and Sport Science Review, 17, 181-209.
Sonstroem, R.J. & Morgan, W.P. (1989). Exercise and self -esteem: Rationale and model. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 21(3), 329-337.
Sonstroem, R.J.(1984). Exercise and self-esteem. In R.KL. Terjung (Ed), Exercise and sport science reviews(pp.123-155). Toronto: Collare.
The Effect of the Sports for all Participation on Social -Psychological Mental Health in Juveniles
Lee, Chul-Won
The purpose of this study was to find how much influence sport for all participation on social-psychological mental health in juveniles. The subjects were 103 high school students and 252 college students. In the experimental design of this study, the independent variable is sport for all participation term(4), the dependent variable is social-psychological mental health factors(4).
These groups are divided into several categories as following;
Group A which is composed of 98 sport for all participation term with less than 3 months experience, Group B of 101 between 3 months and 6 months, Group C of 82 with 6months to 1 year, Group D of 74 with more than 1 year.
The result are as follows;
First, the group of participation in the sport for all is better than non-participation group in the performance of social role and self-confidence factor.
Second, the participating group has fewer depression factors than non-participation group.
Third, the participating group is less than non-participation in the sleeping disturbance and the anxiety factor.
Fourth, the participating group is better than non-participation group in general well-being and vitality factor.


  • 가격1,000
  • 페이지수10페이지
  • 등록일2002.11.16
  • 저작시기2002.11
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#212097
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