미국 과학교사 연수 프로그램 연구
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목 차

Ⅰ. 서 론

Ⅱ. 미국 과학교사 연수 프로그램 개발 방향

Ⅲ. 아이오와 취타쿠와 프로그램

Ⅳ. 아이오와 취타쿠와 프로그램의 STS 교수방법 연구

V. 아이오와 취타쿠와 프로그램 과학교사의 반성적 사고 연구

Ⅵ. 시사점


ss, 1978.
Yager, R., "Instructional outcomes change with sts", Iowa Science Teachers Journal, 1990, Spring.
Yager, R., "The constructivisit learning model", Science Teacher, 58(6), 1991.
Yager, R., Blunck, S., & Dass, M., The Iowa Chautauqua program (ICP): A collaborative model for reform in science education, Unpublished manuscript, 1996.
Yager, R., Mackinnu, & Blunck, S., "Science/technology/society as reform of science in the elementary school", Journal of Elementary Science Education, 4(1), 1992a.
Yager, R., Myers, L., Blunck, S., & McComas, W., "The Iowa Chautauqua program: What assessment results indicate about sts instruction", Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society, 12, 1992b.
Analysis of Iowa Chautauqua Program and New Directions for Improving In-Service Science Teachers Programs in Korea
Hae-Ae Seo*
The study is concerned with providing recommendations for an effective in-service science teachers program through the analysis of an exemplary in-service science teachers program, the Iowa Chautauqua Program (ICP) in the US. ICP for developing and implementing STS teaching-learning of K-12 science was established in 1983 with the financial support from federal and local funds and continued until 1994. With the emphasis of 'science teachers as continuous learners,' the ICP is characterized with the following aspects: 1) collaboration among participating teachers in planning and implementing the program; 2) frequent opportunities to evaluate and reflect classroom practices at school bases; 3) comprehensive processes in improving instructional strategies including introduction of new theories, development of a instructional model, implementation of the model, and feedback; 4) emphasis of changes in teachers' behaviors; 5) teachers' recognition of being lifelong learners; etc. Students who were taught by the ICP science teachers showed significant increases in science achievement, science process, attitude toward science, creativity, and problem solving skills. ICP teachers' teaching behaviors are characterized with 1) acceptance of students' initiations; 2) uses of various instructional strategies; 3) students' active participation in classroom activities; 4) uses of issues related to student's interest, etc. ICP teachers also improved reflective thinking skills upon their teaching behaviors,
* Researcher, Korean Educational Development Institute
instructional principles, and educational theories. It was concluded that in-service science teachers programs in Korea should be developed with the following emphases: 1) science content and teaching and learning strategies closely related to classroom practices; 2) teachers and school interests and needs; 3) long-term programs with continuous support; 4) discussion and immediate feedback on the implementation of new teaching and learning strategies; 5) establishment of long-term partnerships among science teachers, school administrators, scientists, etc.


  • 가격3,300
  • 페이지수25페이지
  • 등록일2002.12.24
  • 저작시기2002.12
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#216585
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