희곡텍스트비평의 기초이론으로서 텍스트언어학의 활용
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I. 들어가며

II. 희곡텍스트비평의 기초이론으로 텍스트언어학의 적합성

III. 텍스트언어학을 활용한 희곡텍스트비평의 기초방법론
1) 희곡텍스트에 내포된 결속성과 결속구조 찾기
2) 희곡텍스트에 반영된 의도성과 용인성 찾기
3) 희곡텍스트에 표출되는 상황성과 정보성 찾기
4) 희곡텍스트에 드러나는 상호텍스트성 찾기

IV. 맺음말

인용 문헌



및 형식이 통합됨으로서 달성되기 때문이다.
인용 문헌
이현호. 『한국 현대시의 담화·화용론적 연구』. 서울: 한국문화사, 1993.
보그란데·드레슬러. 김태옥·이현호 역. 『텍스트언어학 입문』. 서울: 한신문화사, 1995.
Aldus, P. J. Mousetrap: Structure and Meaning in Hamlet. Tronto and Buffalo: U of Toronto P, 1977.
Baugrande, R and Dressler, W. Introduction to Text Linguistics. London: Longman, 1981.
Beckett, Samuel. Waiting for Godot. New york: Grove P, 1954.
Bradley, A. C. Shakespearean Tragedy. London: Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1985.
Danson, L.. Tragic Alphabet: Shakespear's Drama of Language. New Heaven & London: Yale UP, 1974.
Grice, H. P. 'Logic and Conversation', Syntax and Semantics 3: Speech Acts. N. Y.: Academic Press Inc., 1975.
Halliday, M. and Hassan, R. Cohesion in English. London: Longman, 1976.
Viehweger, D. "Coherence-Interaction of Modules" in Connexity and Coherence. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1989.
Wilson, J. D.. The New Shakespeare: Hamlet. ed. by Lee Dae-suk. Seoul: Hanshin Publishing Co., 1983.
Utilizing Text Linguistics as a Basic Critical Theory of Dramatic Text Criticism
Abstract Ahn, Jong-hun (Jinju Health College)
The purpose of this study is to investigate some analysis instruments or methods by utilizing Text Linguistics as a basic critical theory of dramatic text criticism. Text linguistics is somewhat different from the traditional linguistics in that it deals with the human discourse comprehensively focusing on the active aspects of language, not restricting to the static system and structure of a language like its grammatical components or synthetic rules. The goal text linguistics pursues is to understand some cognitive processes which arise in the communicative activities or discourse.
Baugrande and Dressler says that the cognitive processes in text linguistics are divided into 7 elements such as coherence, cohesive, intentionality, acceptability, informativity, situationality, and intertextuality. Those elements coexist and affect one another in the text, and in some text one or two elements can be shown stronger than the others.
In the dramatic texts, 3 elements are usually outstanding, e.g. situationality, coherence and cohesive. Those three elements are important tools to catch the cognitive process which produces literary effects and meaning. From the point of situationality, a dramatic situation is clearly established by the hero and his counterpart. But their situation is controlled in the opposite ways each other. So the dramatic movement of a text can be found in the process of situation inspection ― situation management ― problem solving. And, from the points of coherence and cohesive, a dramatic text maintains its internal coherence and cohesive by some special knowledge frames. Audiences can grasp dramatic meaning and its effect by their cognitive processes, In the first stage of literary text study and analysis, the text linguistics approach is essential to produce creative interpretation or criticism and is also strongly recommended to understand and analyze the text systematically.


  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수16페이지
  • 등록일2003.02.23
  • 저작시기2003.02
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#221214
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