관점의 작용 국면으로 본 판소리 사설의 시학적 특성
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1. 논의의 시각과 방법

2. 언어 경합의 변인으로서의 관점
1) 흥미와 긴장 조성을 위한 언어 경합
2) 사상(事象)의 취사 선택의 준거

3. 관점의 전환에 따른 서사적 전개의 특성
1) 대립 관계 해소의 대화적 표지
2) 서사적 경과의 지연과 해학적 정서의 형성

4. 맺음말



is article is investigated by applying 'perspective', the kernel factor of the daily language to the various characteristics that Pansori-Sas l shows.
The outline can be summarized as follows; the language game between the characters' conversations in Pansori-Sas l is based on the different perspective. And it makes the audience cause the interests and tensions. The perspective plays a role as the criterion that reconstructs the thing and phenomenon of world as a certain consistent meaning. So the thing and phenomenon changes as the perspective changes. On the other hand, the perspective, in the layer of narrative structure, can be the factors that form the characteristics of Pansori narrative grammar. In the individual episode level, it can be the mark that intimates the incident was brought to an end, and in the whole narrative structural level, it can be the basis of building the folktale world-view in Pansori with working as an opportunity to solve the antigonistic relationship between the hostile characters. In addition, the perspective conversion can be the factor that perform the emotional role that arouse unexpected laughter, regardless of the informational contents that the objective situation shows in the individual scene.
This article should be developed from the angle of view as follows: First, the relationship between the oral literature and human nature should be considered. The understanding the variety of all nature phenomenon and conversion of perspective can be a way of imy n(substance) reading. It is because that the life of human being is carried on the basis of this, and language activities are performed on the basis of this. So that the awareness of three factors of language activities, the subject, the object, and the medium, is related to the insight to human nature should be noticed. On this respect, we can sympathize with the opinion that the best performers, working within their own conversations, display an impressive command of language, an acute understanding of human nature and imaginative grasp of the relevent performance mode. On the basis of this, the study on oral literature can gropes for the new ways.
With this similar connection, the properties of subject, object, medium factors should be noticed as an explanation for various enjoyment for other literature branches. For example, the variety of all nature phenomenon, the difference of perspective, the ambiguity of language is the fundamental rule that the characters in a folktale settle the problems in hand. Moreover, the various new forms of literature that is created nowadays, namely 'correspondence literature' or 'wave literature', are enjoyed on this principle. In a broad sense, the literature activity of human itself can't be escaped from these mechanism. For the literature that is formed and enjoyed from the human life, and for the human harmonious meeting that is carried on literature, the study that is based on these respects should be required.
  • 가격2,500
  • 페이지수26페이지
  • 등록일2003.02.28
  • 저작시기2003.02
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#221292
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