위대한 부정의 여행: 헨리 제임스(Henry James)
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《Works Cited》



nry James. ed. R.W.B. Lewis. New York: Bantam Books. 325-67.
____________. "The Jolly Corner." The Turn of the Screw and Other Short Fiction by Henry James. ed. R.W.B. Lewis. New York: Bantam Books.
____________. "The Subject of the Beast in the Jungle." The Story and Its Writer. Ed. Ann Charter. New York, 1991.
Johnson, Courteny. "Henry James' 'The Jolly Corner': A Study in Integration." Studies in Short Fiction 6 (1968): 121-35.
Kaplan, Fred. Henry James: The Imagination of Genius-A Biography. New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1992.
Kau, Joseph. "Henry James and the Garden: A Symbolic Setting for 'The Beast in the Jungle.'" Studies in Short Fiction 10 (1973): 190-8.
Keppler, C.F. The Literature of the Second Self. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1972.
Kimbel, Ellen. "The American Short Stories: 1900-1920." The American Short Stories 1900-1945. Ed. Phillip Stevick. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1984. 37-9.
Lewis, R.W.B. The Turn of the Screw and Other Short Fiction by Henry James. New York: Bantam Books, 1981.
Lindholdt, Paul J. "Pragmatism and 'The Beast in the Jungle." Studies in Short Fiction 25 (1988): 275-84.
Michael, Irwin. "Henry James and the Vague Nouvelle." The Modern American Novella. Ed. Robert Lee. London: Vision Press, 1989. 22-3.
Moore, Rayburn. "The Strange Irregular Rhythm of Life: James's Late Tales and Constance Fenimore Woolson." South Atlantic Bulletin 41 (1976): 86-93.
Nance, Williams. "'The Beast in the Jungle': Two Versions of Oedipus." Studies in Short Fiction 13 (1976): 433-40. Robert, Rogers. "The Beast in Henry James." American Imago 13 (1956): 427-54.
Robert, Rogers. "The Beast in Henry James." American Imago 13 (1956): 427-54.
Rosenzweig, Saul. "The Ghost of Henry James." Partisan Review 11 (1944): 436- 55.
Rovit, Earl. "The Ghost in Henry James's 'The Jolly Corner.'" Tennessee Studies in Literature 10 (1977): 282-4.
Sedgwick, Eva Kosofsky. "The Beast in the Closet: A Gender Critic Reads James's 'The Beast in The Jungle.'" The Story and Its Writer. Ed. Ann Charter. New York: Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press. 1491-4.
Selden, Raman and Peter Widdowson. A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory. Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 1993.
Shelden, Pamela Jacobs. "Jamesian Gothicism: The Haunted Castle of the Mind." Studies in the Literary Imagination 7 (1974): 121-34.
Shroeder, John. "The Mother of Henry James." American Literature 22 (19): 424-31.
Stein, Allen. "The Beast in 'The Jolly Corner': Spencer Brydon's Ironic Rebirth.'" Studies in Short Fiction 11 (1974): 61-6.
Thomson, Fred. "James's 'The Jolly Corner." Explicator 22 (1963): item 28.
Tremper, Ellen. "Henry James's Altering Ego: An Examination of His Psychological Double in Three Tales." Texas Quarterly 19 (1976): 59-75.
Yeazell, Ruth. Language and Knowledge in the Late Novels of Henry James. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1976.
Zacharias, Greg W. "Book Review: Henry James and the Ghostly." The Henry James Review 17 (1996): 306-9


  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수17페이지
  • 등록일2003.03.07
  • 저작시기2003.03
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#221510
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