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제1절 통신·방송 융합의 배경

제2절 융합으로 나타나는 새로운 서비스
1. 인터넷 방송(Internet Broadcasting on Demand)
2. 디지털 위성방송
3. 주문형 비디오 서비스(Video on Demand)

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가. 외국
나. 우리 나라
2. 윤리적 문제점들
가. 외국
나. 우리 나라
3. 새로운 서비스가 초래할 문제점들
제4절 정보 건전화 방안

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Shields,R. (ED.),(1996). Cultures of Internet. London :Sage.
Smedinghoff, T. J (Ed.), (1996). Online law: The SPA's legal guide to doing business on the internet. Reding, MA: Addison-Wesley Developers Press.
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The campaign for Internet freedom (1997)
The Internet: Bringing order from chaos. Scientific American. (March 1997)
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<기타 관련 웹사이트>
Electronic Frontier Foundation: http://eff.org/blueribbon.html
Recreational Software Advisory Committee: http://www.rsac.org/
SafeSurf. http://www.SafeSurf.com/
The Guardian. http://www.Guardian.co.uk/online
The New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/yr/mo/day/cyber
World Wide Web Consortium. http://www.w3.org/pub/www/PICS
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