Hong Kong, Germany, Malaysia market 4P analysis, SWOT analysis
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Hong Kong, Germany, Malaysia market 4P analysis, SWOT analysis에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


< Introduction >
This report will look at :
 The reason why we chose the online game to export
 Malaysia market
- Analysis about the condition of Malaysia society
- SWOT analysis
- 4P Strategy
 Germany market
- Analysis about the condition of Germany society
- SWOT analysis
- 4P Strategy
 Hong-Kong market
- Analysis about the condition of Hong-Kong society
- SWOT analysis
- 4P Strategy
 Why the best market is Germany
 How can we succeed in this business


< Findings >
The reasons why we chose the online game to export
Korea is one of the famous countries that have high speed internet service and big online games market. According to many economic reports, the online games market would be increased constantly, although all business meet economy crisis in the world. If we export the online game to other countries, we would not spend too much money. It is because we do not need many places and workers for online game businesses. In addition, online game costs less than console game. However, the profit of online game is higher than other games’.
Moreover, Korean online games have succeeded in some countries such as China, Taiwan and Japan. According to these reasons, we chose the online game to export to other countries.
1.Malaysia Market
Cultural differences
In Malaysia, there is diversity of nationalities, such as Malaysian, West Indian, and Chinese. And they use different languages, also they have different religions. But the halves of people who are living in Malaysia are Malaysian.
- Sudden Attack has high quality of graphic as well as addition.
- Even though the rate of internet service diffusion is increasing, the quality is quite low.
- There is serious wealth disparity in Malaysia, which means the diffusions of PC and internet service is unequal.
- The rate of internet service diffusion is increasing in Malaysia. Online game industry is not big, so it has possible growth in Malaysi.
i.Korean wave is huge in Malaysia, especially in Entertainment industry for example singers, games, and dramas.
- Korea and China are seizing Malaysia’s online games market, but the china’s online games market has been
  • 가격1,100
  • 페이지수7페이지
  • 등록일2010.01.05
  • 저작시기2009.12
  • 파일형식워드(doc)
  • 자료번호#571544
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