[영어문화연구]About Soccer
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1. What is soccer?

2. What is English Premier league?

3. Manchester United

4. Hooligan


-ball, uder the paine of fiftie shillings."
It was the Puritans, however, who mounted the most successful campaign against football. None were more vociferous than the anti-sports pamphleteer Philip Stubbes: "As concerning football playing I protest unto you that it may be rather called a friendlie kinde of fyghte than a play or recreation - a bloody and murthering practice than a felowly sport or pastime." Two hundred and fifty years later this Puritanical influence on the government of Queen Victoria led to the end of traditional football.
More than just sexual practices were repressed under Victoria's reign - a whole range of popular of popular activities were policed out of existence. Mob football was one of them. The ancient and carnivalesque pastime was replaced by a specator sport where the crowd was removed from the field of play. The codification of the sport began in the major public schools and was part of a general attempt to civilise the masses in newly industrialised England. The official history of the Football Association puts it in these terms: "if all government is autocratic and evil it is nonetheless necessarily so. The alternative is anarchy and the law of the jungle."
The phrase "a local Derby" is still used to describe a match between neighbouring teams where no love is lost, and the game in Derby provides the best example of the death of an ancient sport. There, football was traditionally played on Shrove Tuesday, between the Parishes of All Saints and St Peter. As all young men were involved in the ritual stoush, the game consisted of over 500 players a side.
On Shrove Tuesday in 1847 the traditional game of football was played for the last time in Derby county. The Mayor appeared on horse back to stop the game with the aid of the local constables. When he was forced back by a hail of stones, the Riot Act was read, the cavalry called in and the game was stopped.
For eight hundred years the popular pastime of mob football had survived, against every edict of every king who had tried to stop it. Only the introduction of the new system of policing initiated by Sir Robert Peel in 1829 gave the state enough power to stamp out the game.


영작,   영문화,   영어문화,   영국문화,   축구,   soccer,   SOCCER,   영국
  • 가격1,000
  • 페이지수9페이지
  • 등록일2010.04.26
  • 저작시기2004.12
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#602955
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