초등 영어수업안(5학년. its_under_the_table)
본 자료는 4페이지 의 미리보기를 제공합니다. 이미지를 클릭하여 주세요.
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해당 자료는 4페이지 까지만 미리보기를 제공합니다.
4페이지 이후부터 다운로드 후 확인할 수 있습니다.


초등 영어수업안(5학년. its_under_the_table)에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


T : Ok. There is 성은 at the box
S : There is 성은 at the box
T : What is it?
S : Eraser.
T : Good. There is an eraser under the box.
S : There is an eraser under the box.
T : What is it?
S : Ball
T : Right. There is a ball in the box.
S : There is a ball in the box.
□ Let's read a story.
- 스토리텔링 -
( Prepare a story titled 『There's a monster in the tree』and read loudly together)
□ Comprehension check.
- 이해도 점검하기 -
T : Let's check the story.
Where is the monster outside the house?
S : He is in the tree.
T : What is he doing in the tree?
S : He is counting up to three
T : Where is the monster inside the house?
S : He is at the door.
T : What is he doing at the door?
S : He is sweeping with a broom.
T : Where is the monster inside the house?
S : He is in the hall
T : What is he doing in the hall?
S : He is playing with a ball
T : Where is the monster inside the house?
S : He is in the kitchen.
T : What is the monster doing in the kitchen?
S : He is hiding under the table.
T : Where is the monster inside the house?
S : He is in the room.
T : What is he doing in the room?
S : He is sitting on the chair.
T : Where is the monster inside the house?
S : He is in the bedroom.
T : What is he doing in the bedroom?
S : He is lying on the bed.
□ Where is the eraser?
- 표현능력 향상하기 -
T : It's time to upgrade your ability of expression. Then, let's do a pair wok. I will give you the picture of the monster's house. Here are procedures.
1. One person of place anything you want on the work sheet(small picture)
2. The other person says following where the thing is.
3. The person who complete the more sentence is winner.
( Everyone in the class does pair work in this way )
T : Have you finished?
S : Yes.
T : Ok. Then, now let's do a group work. Here are procedures.
1. Choose one person
2. The person place anything no the work sheet(small picture)
3. The, other people raise their hands and complete right sentence.
4. The person who complete the more sentence is winner.
( Everyone in the class does group work in this way )
T : Finished?
S : Yes
T : Good. Now we play a game. The winner of each group come to the front. I place the eraser somewhere. Then, you raise your hands. The faster person gets chance. The winner's group will get big magnet. Are you ready?
S : Yes!
T : Ok. let's start.
( Playing a game )
□ Closing and review today's lesson
T : So far, You've learned about the preposition. Did you enjoy the lesson?
S : Yes.
T : Good. I am happy to hear that. I'm proud of you. So, I give you a present. What is it?
S : Caramels!
T : Ok, It's caramel. But, to eat this caramel, you must follow my actions and answer my questions. Are you ready?
S : Yes!
( Everyone follow teacher's actions and answer his questions )
T : This is all for today. Next class, we learn more expressions about prepositions. Then, let's close this class by clap our hands.
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◎Guessing Basket
『There's a monster in the tree』
◎Picture and work sheets


  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수12페이지
  • 등록일2011.01.04
  • 저작시기2010.5
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#647173
본 자료는 최근 2주간 다운받은 회원이 없습니다.
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