literature and language teaching
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literature and language teaching에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


CH.1~CH.7 summary


the dialogue of a play provides students with a meaningful context for acquiring and memorizing new languages.
-A strong sense of involvement is fostered which helps to motivate students and encourages them to learn through active participation.
-Students get a chance to improve their pronunciation by experimenting with different patterns of intonation, and practising different sounds.
-Students might be asked to what extent these features reflect the relationships of the characters in the play and their attitudes towards each other, as well as the students' own cultural background.
7.5 Using play extracts to think about language in conversation
-We begin by looking at two extracts from different plays. Both extracts deal with a first meeting between two characters.
7.6 Using play extracts to improve students' oral skills
-To suggest ways of using an extract from a play to improve students' oral abilities.
-reading and analysis of a text and the lesson plan based on it, evaluation of a lesson plan, reading and discussion of further activities.
7.7 Using play extracts with lower levels
-To suggest tasks and activities which can be used to exploit texts from plays with students at lower levels.
-Activity type : Reading and discussion of texts; choosing and ordering possible activities.
-Discussion in pairs and groups followed by class discussion.
7.8 Anticipating student problems
-To provide a checklist of the type of problems students might experience when using an extract from a play.
7.9 Further activities for play extracts
-Some more tasks and activities you could use after you have predicted some of the difficulties students might have with a text. For convenience, they have been divided onto four main categories
:Pre-reading activities / Activities for increasing students' language awareness / Activities for practising oral skills / Follow-up and extension activities
7.10 Using a whole play with students
-We look briefly at activities which can help to provide students with a skeleton outline for understanding a whole play. Skeleton can be used in one of 2 ways.
:Students could be asked to read the whole play at home over a period of a few weeks. This would solve the problem of insufficient class time to read the play. / The activities in the skeleton outline could be used in one or two preparation sessions before students attend a live performance of a play or see a film of it.

-Understanding the genre of the text
-Understanding the setting/social milieu of the play
:Students are given the playwright's description of the setting of the play / Students are given a short reading/listening comprehension about the social or historical background to the play
-Understanding the characters and their relationships
-Understanding the plot
:summary of the first few scenes of the play / a list of jumbled sentences which summarize the plot of the play.
-Understanding the themes of the play
  • 가격4,500
  • 페이지수14페이지
  • 등록일2011.02.08
  • 저작시기2011.1
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#651017
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