Mg(OH)2를 이용한 이산화탄소의 흡수처리 및 재생에 관한 연구
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표목차 ­ⅲ­
그림목차 ­ⅳ­
기호목차 ­ⅴ­
요약문 ­ⅵ­

Ⅰ. 서론 1

Ⅱ. 연구배경 6

2.1. 지구온난화로 인한 문제점과 CO2의 영향 6
2.2. 지구온난화에 대한 국제적 인식과 대처 10
2.3. CO2제어 기술에 대한 국내․외 연구동향 12
2.3.1. 물리․화학적 흡수 12
2.3.2. 물리․화학적 흡착 13
2.3.3. Gas의 막 분리 14
2.3.4. 기타의 처리방법
2.4. 연구목적 15

Ⅲ. 실험내용 및 장치구성 17

3.1. 순환식 흡수/재생 반응기의 구성 9
3.2. 실험방법 23
3.2.1. 흡수제의 특성 24
3.2.2. 흡수제 및 가스의 유량조정 27
3.2.3. 반응기 내부의 온도, pH, 압력의 조정 27

Ⅳ. 결과 및 고찰 29

4.1. CO2-H2O 의 화학평형 29
4.2. CO2-H2O-Mg(OH)2 system 34
4.3. CO2 흡수시 slurry에서의 turbulent mixing에 따른 pH의 변화 38
4.4. 재생반응에서의 엔탈피의 변화 40
4.5. CO2의 Mass Balance 42
4.6. 온도변화에 따른 CO2의 흡수와 재생 46
4.7. Mg(OH)2 slurry 농도에 따른 CO2의 흡수와 재생 52
4.8. q(순환유량)의 변화에 따른 CO2의 흡수와 재생 56
4.9. pH분포에 따른 PrQr, η 60

Ⅴ. 결론 61

Ⅵ. 참고문헌 64


Table 1.1 CO2 Emission of major countries 3
Table 2.1 Domestic greenhouse gas emissions, removal and GWP(Global Warming Potential) 1990 8
Table 2.2 Countries included in ANNEX B to the Kyoto Protocol and their emissions target 11
Table 3.1 Solubility Product of Hydroxides/Carbonates at 25℃
Table 4.1 Henry's constant and Ionization constant of Carbon Aqueous Species 31
Table 4.2 Acidity and Basicity Constants for Carbon in Aqueous Solution 33
Table 4.3 The standard Heat of Formation of a CO2,Ca2+,Mg+,H- Combination Substance 28


Fig. 1.1. Domestic fuel combustion of power generation. 5
Fig. 2.1. Global temperature anomaly 1860~2000. 9
Fig. 3.1. Scheme of CO2 absorption/regeneration system. 18
Fig. 3.2. CO2 absoption/regeneration system. 19
Fig. 3.3. Scheme of reactor. 22
Fig. 4.1. pC-pH diagram for a barbonate solution. 32
Fig. 4.2. Effect of CO2 partial pressure on pH. 36
Fig. 4.3. pC-pH diagram for Mg(OH)2 solution. 37
Fig. 4.4. Effect of turbulent mixing on pH. 39
Fig. 4.5. The scheme of CO2 mass flow in system. 42
Fig. 4.6. Y vs PrQr in overall time. 44
Fig. 4.7. Y vs PrQr after 60min. 45
Fig. 4.8. Temperature effect on CO2 concentrations. 48
Fig. 4.9. Mass balance and steady state of system in several regeneration temperature. 49
Fig. 4.10. Effect of regeneration temperature on regeneration. 50
Fig. 4.11. Effect of regeneration temperature on absorption. 51
Fig. 4.12. Mass balance and steady state of system in several absorbent concentration. 53
Fig. 4.13 Effect of absorbent concentration on regeneration. 54
Fig. 4.14. Effect of absorbent concentration on absorption. 55
Fig. 4.15. Mass balance and steady state of system in several circulation flow rate. 57
Fig. 4.16. Effect of circulation flow rate on regeneration. 58
Fig. 4.17. Effect of circulation flow on absorption. 59
Fig. 4.18. Effect of pH on Absorption

Qi Inlet flow rate of absorption reactor, ℓ/min
Qo Outlet flow rate of absorption reactor, ℓ/min
Qr Outlet flow rate of regeneration reactor, ℓ/min
Pi Partial pressure of absorption reactor, molCO2/ℓgas
Po Partial pressure of absorption reactor, molCO2/ℓgas
Pr Partial pressure of regeneration reactor, molCO2/ℓgas
CA Total carbon concentration in absorption reactor, molCO2T/ℓslurry
CR Total carbon concentration in regeneration reactor, molCO2T/ℓslurry
q Absorbent circulation flow rate, ℓslurry/min
η Removal efficiency, Dimensionless
L Regeneration efficiency, Dimensionless
Y Regeneration number, molCO2T/ℓslurry


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Research of Absorption and Recovery
using Mg(OH)2
Minyoung Lee
Deaprtment of Environmental Science and Engineering
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Carbon dioxide is main greenhouse gas. therefor, to decease damage of greenhouse effect that we have to contol the carbon dioxide emission.
This study have object to regulate a carbon dioxide in a flue gas from incineration process. for that object, chemical absorption using magnesium hydroxide have rational reason.
Magnesium hydroxide make in water pH 9.5~10.5 and come in to being Mg(HCO3)2, MgCO3 with carbon dioxide. Mg(HCO3)2 is isolated easy Mg(OH)2 and CO2 because Mg(HCO3)2 is metastable. CO2 is exhausted nessarily from combustion process about 15% concentration(common power station).
CO2 concentration in a flue gas is higher than others(SOx, NOx). Mg(OH)2 easy to recover is profit able to use absobent for CO2. bench-sclae system using this study consist of two reactor, fixed quantity pump, preheating chamber, cooler, CO2 analyzer. one reactor of inflow CO2 has happen to absoption of CO2 and another of inflow N2 occur to regeneration of absorbent. each reactor with heating tape around is controlled with thermostate and is measure immediately to temperature, pH. absorbent is circulated each reactor on equal quantity.
In conclusion, CO2 is removed continuous on efficiency 8~10% at each condition of absorption temerature 40℃, regeneration temperature 50℃, circulation flowrate 0.15LPM(CO2 inflow rate 0.7LPM), absorbent concentration 0.05M
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  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수68페이지
  • 등록일2011.05.17
  • 저작시기2011.4
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#677904
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