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Ⅰ. 들어가는 말
1. ‘전통’개념 정립에 대한 교회사적 시론(試論)
가. ‘전통’개념의 구조적 양태
나. 해석학적 전통에서 본 ‘전통’개념의 실제
2. ‘현대주의’의 제 경향과 ‘전통’개념의 상관성
가. ‘신학적’의미 안에서
나. ‘사회학적’ 측면에서
3. 바람직한 내일의 ‘신학함’을 위하여

Ⅲ. 맺는 말


the History of Early Christianity" Trajectories through Early Christianity
Kuhn, Thoms, "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" 김 명자 역 과학혁명의 구조 (서울 : 정음사, 1981)
Kung, Hans, "Was ist Kirche? 이홍금 역 교회란 무엇인가? (왜관 : 분도출판사. 1991)
Kung, Hans/Tracy David, "Theologie-Wohin? 박재순 역(서 울 : 한국신학연구소, 1993)
Leith, John H, "Creeds of the Church"(Atlanta : John Knox Press, 1982)
Lewis, C, S. "On the Reading of Old Books" God in the Dock (Grand Rapids : Eerdmann, 1970)
Marsden, M, George, "기독교 관점에서는 어떻게 역사를 가 르쳐야 하는가? 홍치모 역 기독교와 역사이해 (서울 : 총신 대출판부, 1981)
Mitros, J. F. "The Norm of Faith in the Patristic Age" Theological Studies , 1968
Pamphilus, Eusebius, "Ecclesiastical History" (Grand Rapids : Baker Book House, 1987)
Quasten, Johannes, "Patrology"(Westminster : Christian Classics, 1986)
Turner, H. E., "The Pattern of Christian Truth, A Study in the Relations between Orthodoxy and Heresy in the Early Church (London : Mowbray, 1954)
Vincent of Lerins, "The Commonitory" trans, R. E. Morris Fathers of the Church VII 1949.
Who shall, then, speak on the tradition?
- Historical and hermeneutical analysis for the concept of 'tradition' and its application -
Sang Hoon Lee

The phenomena and trend of recent theological scholarship around the world, without execption in Korea, seem to be heavily focused on the so-called 'marginal' and 'subsidiary' realm. Index of the last few years of '기독교사상(Ki-dok-kyo-sa-sang)' which can be counted as one of the most famous periodical magazines in korea shows the reality. They have dealt with the political, cultural, and environmental fields of theology with great efforts. But they seems to be in lack of the sincere study and research on the Christian tradition which has been handed down to us with an alive and abundant wisdom.
Who shall, then, speak on the tradition? Is the meaning of 'tradition' can be defined as an unified and existential concept? What is the historical and hermeneutical result on the study of concept of tradition?
The writer tries to mention about the meaning of 'tradition' in the context of Church history, especially in early Church history at first. Irenaeus and Turtullian are the important figures for the subject. T. E. Turner's concept on 'the patterns in Christian truth' also contributes to build up the thesis. Next part of historical survey is shared for the hermeneutical discussion of the concept of 'tradition' among the contemporary scholars ; Adolf von Harnack, Martin Werner, Bultmann ect.
In the second part of the article, the writer tries to define the concept of 'modern trend of theological scholarship' which can be compared to the meaning of 'tradition.' the result and main subjects of the conference which was held in 1983 at Tubingen for the contemporary theological tasks are cautiously discussed. Sociological and theological analysis are used.
Last part of the article is equipped for the suggestion. The suggestion includes the right attitude for the contemporary theological scholarship.
  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수13페이지
  • 등록일2011.09.01
  • 저작시기2011.8
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#699300
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