여행 갔던 곳에 대한 영어 설명
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여행 갔던 곳에 대한 영어 설명에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


Jungle Queen
Everglades national park
Ocean view hotel
Disney Land
Universal Studios


dition Everest’ so huge. Anyways, today was Friday, and lots of people were there at Animal Kingdom. To avoid waiting for too long, we first went to the Kilimanjaro Safari. It was awesome because I could see almost all kinds of animals that I liked in on place. After that, we went to ride Expedition Everest. Right after we started, I realized that the roller coaster was up so high in the air and we were going into the hand-made Mt.Everest. In a second we were going sharp downwards and when we were about to come outside, the roller coaster stopped in front of the broken road. I was confused because this was impossible. But I knew after few seconds that that was part of the ride. We soon started to go backwards in a complete darkness. I guess that was the scariest part of all. The rest I can’t remember clearly because I closed my eyes after that. We watched ‘Finding Nemo the musical’; it’s tough to be a bug and etc. This amusement park was completely different from other two that I went on the other days.
It was really a hot and humid day, so I was tired, but it was great experience.
Ninth day, ah… we were finally going to the Blizzard Beach in Disney World. I loved going to those kinds amusement parks because I love swimming so much. For the beginning, we did cross country creak where we ride on a tube and it goes all around the Blizzard Beach amusement park. It was also some kind of transportation because there were 6 stations that you could stop on. After that, we did ‘snow stormers’ which is a slide where you follow a winding path in a lying position. We rode toboggan racers which is a race going down a slide. The result was kind of certain because the fatter you are, the faster you go. After that, we rode on double dippers, which was a huge slide even similar to a roller coaster because it dipped down two times in an angle of about 60 degrees. It took 6 seconds for me to get down to the bottom. I rode on runaway rapids, which were pretty similar to ‘snow stormers’, and team boat springs where 6 people rode in a boat and the rest was similar to ‘snow stormers’. I had lots of fun there, but I wasn’t so happy because it was the last day I would be in Florida.
  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수9페이지
  • 등록일2012.03.13
  • 저작시기2008.10
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#780207
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