co2 줄이는 방법
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co2 줄이는 방법 에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


glazing. You could also fit double glazing the UK’s most popular energy saving measure, although it actually saves less from a typical fuel bill than installing (much cheaper) cavity wall insulation(National Energy Foundation: Make sure that you specify ‘Low-e’ glazing, which has a special heat-reflective coating that reduces heat loss through the window by nearly half. Facts, figures and more advice from the National Energy Foundation: 28. Watch the floors. Rooms can sometimes feel cold due to strong drafts rising up from gaps between the floorboards or between the skirting board and the floor. This is easily resolved by investing in a tube sealant, such as silicon. Another way of reducing draughty floors is to insulate underneath the floorboards on the ground floor(Energy Savings Trust: 29. Dress your hot-water tank correctly. A British Standard lagging jacket only costs 10 and the insulation for the pipe leading to the hot-water tank from the boiler costs around 3 per year. It’s really easy to fit and should save you as much as 20 per year on your heating bill if every UK household fitted a jacket on their tank tomorrow, over 150 million would be saved every year! 30. Reflective radiator panels can fit perfectly behind radiators. They are cheap to buy, easy to install and reflect back heat that would otherwise drift through the wall. They can be bought from DIY stores (avoid those made from PVC), or you can make your own by wrapping tinfoil around cardboard. 31. Draw your curtains at dusk. Sounds obvious, but a thick pair of curtains can stop a huge amount of heat from escaping through your windows. 32. Put a lid on it. Saucepans with lids on heat much quicker, using less energy in the process. 33. Use your oven sensibly. Don’t keen opening it to check whether your food is ready this allows heat to escape and will only make your meal take longer to cook, using more enrgy, And by switching it off just a few minutes before your food is ready you’ll find that it’ll stay hot enough to finish cooking the food. 34. Don’t buy cut flowers. Every year, we spend around 1.35 billion on cut flowers in the UK, with import!s accounting for 80 per cent of the flowers bought each year. Because of their short shelf life, the flowers are usually flown in which gives them a massive climate change footprint because of the aviation emissions. To avoid this you can buy potted UK-grown plants or if you’re still going to buy flowers, choose those that are UK-grown and in season. A number of organisations sell native trees and flowers mail order, such as: You can also do a bit of good by using Charity Flowers Direct an organisation run by Age Concern for the benefit of 170 charities: Tel: 0870 5300 600 Investigate The Postcode Plants Database to find out which plants are local to your area before you make any purchases:
  • 가격3,000
  • 페이지수11페이지
  • 등록일2012.03.13
  • 저작시기2009.02
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#785878
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