상황별비즈니스기초영어회화 10 - Unit 9.Negotiating Other Terms and Conditions
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상황별비즈니스기초영어회화 10 - Unit 9.Negotiating Other Terms and Conditions에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


Unit 9
Negotiating Other Terms and Conditions

▶Dialogue 1
We can draw up a rough schedule for Mr. Smith\'s visit.

1. 예문
2. 해설

▶Dialogue 2
I\'d like to introduce you to Mr. W.K.Yeom, our president.

1. 예문
2. 해설
3. Notes

▶Dialogue 3
I\'ll use video presentation to introduce you to the full range of products we manufacture.

1. 예문
2. 해설
3. 무역실무
비지니스상담시 자사소개 방법 “Way of Self-Introduction”를 다음과 같이 알아본다.

▶Dialogue 4
He looked the computer data over quite thoroughly and gave me a detailed explanation.

1. 예문
2. 해설
3. 무역실무
비즈니스상담시 기본적으로 아래와 같이 주력상품 판매경로 전략과 다양한 고객층을 분류하여 대응하는 방법은 알아두어야 한다.

▶Dialogue 5
If royalties were paid to you in the basis of sales, there should be adequate profit for you.

1. 예문
2. 해설
3. 무역상담


efficiently attractive to UNIPIA, even if the venture were not jointly managed on an equal partnership basis. In the first place, your total number of units sold would naturally increase as a result of access to our sales network. And then, if royalties were paid to you on the basis of sales, there should be adequate profit for you, certainly enough to make the arrangement attractive. Secondly as you've suggested, it's going be increasingly difficult to export Korean made products to the United States and market them there under Korea brand names. We can, of course, help you a lot in that area.
Yum : That's another way of looking at the problem of course. However, we would still have to insist on maintaining operational control of the manufacturing operation. If we're not able to agree on this crucial point, then I'm afraid any further discussion will be useless.
Smith : What you are basically aiming at then is to secure your own plant and a future in the American market rather than just charging a fee for technical assistance. I can see that this is a valid point for you. For purpose of this discussion, let's explore your line of thought for a moment.
Yum : All right. This is a list of points I want to discuss today. The first point I'd like to make clear is the division of responsibilities between the two companies. We would like to see Auto Electroinc Corporation in charge of the technical and manufacturing with UNIPIA in charge of the technological and manufacturing side. In other words, we would provide the technology and manufacture the robots, you would be responsible for marketing and selling them. We would function as a unit, but with specifically designated areas of operation for each of us. These points would have to be considered fundamental to any further deliberation. What do you think about this matter, Mr. Smith?
2. 해설
합작회사설립의 타당성과 자기의 책임분야를 좀더 많이 갖기 위해서 양사가 마케팅분야와 기술과 제조분야를 각각 담당하므로 서로의 의견을 조정하고 있다. 특히 마케팅분야에 대해 여러 가지 각도에서 Marketing presentation를 할 수 있어야 한다. 이것을 Notes에서 구체적으로 다룬다.
♣Useful Expressions
If royalties were paid to you on the basis of sales, there should be adequate profit to you.
If we're not able to agree on this crucial point then I'm aftaid any further discussion will be useless.
I'd like to make clear the first point that the division of responsibilities between the two companies.
We would provide the technology and manufacture the robots.
These points would have to be considered fundamental to any further deliberation.
equal partnership :
sufficiently : )
adeqate (sufficient, enough)profit :
crucial(important) point :
technical assistane :
division of responsibilitie:
3. 무역상담
Marketing presentation(마케팅 발표)는 비지니스거래, 상담판매계약 등 모든분야에서 상대를 설득시키는 중요한 자료가 된다. 1) Bar Graph 설명방법
⑴ ⑵
⑶ ⑷

3) General Graph(종합 그래픽)
SG=Steady growthDR=Dramatic rose
IG=Increase graduallyND=Noticeable decline
SD=Sudden dropFD=Falling down
MF=Marketing fluctuation
상기 종합 그래픽을 이용하여 실무 상품전략이나 무역상담시 구체적인 도표를 제시하므로 효과적인 결과를 이끌어 낼 수 있다.
  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수13페이지
  • 등록일2013.04.03
  • 저작시기2013.4
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#837744
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