상황별비즈니스기초영어회화 05 - Unit 4.Price Negotiation
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상황별비즈니스기초영어회화 05 - Unit 4.Price Negotiation에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


Unit 4
Price Negotiation

▶Dialogue 1
We\'d really like to deal with UNIPIA.

1. 예문
2. 해설
3. 무역실무
우선 비즈니스상담을 하기 전에 무역거래의 과정 중 하나인 실무 수출입 절차를 알아본다.

▶Dialogue 2
I just don\'t have the authority to make that kind of decision.

1. 예문
2. 해설

▶Dialogue 3
Precisely speaking, I think we could agree to 7% discount on this deal.

1. 예문
2. 해설
3. 무역실무
다음은 비즈니스 상담에 임하기 전에 필수적으로 알아 두어야할 경영적 측면에서의 가격전략이다.

▶Dialogue 4
We will have to cancel this transaction with great regret, Mr. Smith.

1. 예문
2. 해설
3. 무역실무

▶Dialogue 5
The formal contract can be drawn up later.

1. 예문
2. 해설
3. 무역실무
계약성립과 계약종류는 비지니스상담을 성립시키는 최종단계이므로 실무차원에서 여러 가지 영문계약서를 준비하고 꼭 알아두어야 한다.


다음은 여러 가지 계약서 중 비즈니스상당 중 많이 사용하는 독점계약서사례를 정리한다.
Exclusive Sales Contract
An exclusive sales contract has entered into May 30 between XXX CO., LTD. C.P.O.Box 1234, Seoul, Korea(hereafter to be referred as Party A) and the YYYY Inc., New York(hereafter to be referred as Party B), agreeing on the following terms and conditions.
1. Party A grants Party B to the right of sole distributor for the sale of A's Products in the territory of the United States.
2. Party B will work to the best of the ability in order to introduce and establish the largest possible sales in the territory and the sales target should be three million dollars or more a year.
3. Party A will quote to Party B the most reasonable prices at all times. All the prices Party A quotes to Party B shall be in U.S. dollars on the basis of CIF net American ports, and whatever price Party B receives from their customers over and above the net price is for the account of Party B.
4. Party A shall not offer A's products to the above mentioned territory either through their branch or any other organization, and like-wise Party B shall not import the same article from any other Korean exporter of such item.
5. Draft(s) shall be drawn at 60 days after sight(or B/L date) for the full invoice amount under an irrevocable letter of credit which shall be established within 15days after the conclusion of the contract. Business against D/A draft without L/C should be subject to Party A's previous consent in each case. In case of D/A deal, interest will be Party A's account and delay charges, if any, will be paid by Party B.
6. Party A shall effect marine insurance on all shipments on W.A. for 110% of the invoice amount. War risk or any other additional insurance, if required, shall be covered by Party A for account of Party B. Insurance Policies shall be made out in U.S. currency, and claims if any payable in New York.
7. Except in cases where firm offers are accepted, no orders shall be confirmed in writing, and orders thus confirmed shall not be cancelled unless by mutual consent.
8. Party B's claims, if any, shall not be entertained before the relative payments are completely made or the export draft is duly honored, and shall be made within 16 days after arrival of the goods at destination. Certificates by recognized surveyors shall be sent by airmail without delay. All claims which can not be amicably settled between Party A and Party B shall be settled by arbitration in Seoul, in pursuance of the rules of the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board, whose award shall be final and binding upon Party A and Party B.
9. This contract shall be valid until the end of May 30 and can be renewed on an yearly basis if such intention is conveyed to the other party at least three months before the expiry of the contract.
10. This contract is made and typed in two copies, given to each party.
For and on behalf of For and on behalf of
By : By :
President President
  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수13페이지
  • 등록일2013.04.03
  • 저작시기2013.4
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#837733
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