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과학혁명의 구조 영어감상문(영어독후감 보고서) [영어감상문, 영어독후감, 영문감상문, 영문독후감]에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.




by recallinga few of its most salient characteristics. normally, the members of a mature scientific community work from a single paradigm or from a closely related set. Very rarely do different scientific communities investigate the same problems. In those exceptional cases the groups hold several major paradigms in common. Viewed from within any single community, however, whether of scientists or of non-scientists, the result of successful creative work is progress.
I have reported about 'The structure of Scientific Revolutions' to digest and to express my feelings after reading. The book is so thick. So it is too difficult to read from cover to cover. Now that I am proud of the fact I have read the world literature. Thanks to my english teacher. I will also read 'Chaos' and 'Entropy'.
  • 가격1,400
  • 페이지수5페이지
  • 등록일2014.02.24
  • 저작시기2014.2
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#906151
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