((영어,영문)) 이마트(E-Mart) (소매 시장, 현재 위치, 성공 요인, STP / SWOT / 4P).pptx
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((영어,영문)) 이마트(E-Mart) (소매 시장, 현재 위치, 성공 요인, STP / SWOT / 4P).pptx에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1.Retail market
2.E – Mart present location
3.The success factors
4.Analysis - STP/SWOT / 4P
5.Comparing with competitors


E -Mart

Retail Market

◉ Consuming pattern- prefer old brand, large amount of consuming
 → prefer quality rather than brand, contain reasonable consuming sense.


Consumer’s consuming pattern changes preferring quality to brand, containing reasonable consuming sense rather than preferring old brand or mass consumption after IMF. Also, introduction of five-day work week makes consumer’s life style changes a lot, and trend of shopping changes as participate with family. As a result of these great change of customer’s consuming pattern, distribution industry has entered the era of limitless competition. The reason of E-mart ranks top of distribution industry, catches customer’s demand well and meets following systems quickly.

E-Mart’s location

◉ E-Mart has 144 stores all over the country.

◉ Maintain the first position in retail market competition.


1. Now e mart has 144 stores all over the country including China’s store.
E-mart didn’t arrange their store focus on certain place, they enlarge their store in whole country
2, E mart ranked no,1 in competition with Home plus and Lotte mart.


EMart,   소매 시장,   STP,   SWOT,   4P,   성공 요인,   영어 마케팅,   이마트
  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수12페이지
  • 등록일2014.07.07
  • 저작시기2014.7
  • 파일형식기타(pptx)
  • 자료번호#928182
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