My OPIC Answer 오픽 답안,해답 (영어,영문)
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해당 자료는 4페이지 까지만 미리보기를 제공합니다.
4페이지 이후부터 다운로드 후 확인할 수 있습니다.


My OPIC Answer 오픽 답안,해답 (영어,영문)에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


1. 자기소개

2. 학교소개

3. 강의 활동

3. 교내 활동

4. 프로젝트와 기술

5. 집안일

6. 집 내부와 외부묘사

7. 자신의 방

8. 이웃 정보

9. 동네 정보

10. 쇼핑

11. 영화

12. 외식

13. 공원

14. 외국어 공부

16. 인터넷 하기

17. TV or DVD 시청

18. 음악 감상

19. 집에서의 휴가 & 국내외 출장

20. 학교 & 친구 역할 연기

21. 집 & 가족 역할 연기

22. 건물 & 장소 역할 연기 정답 길라잡이

23. 기계&제품 역할 연기

24. 여가 활동 & 취미 역할 연기

25. 기타

26. 이웃 & 쇼핑 시리즈

27. 학교 & 학교생활 시리즈

28. 친척 & 친구 시리즈

29. 건물/장소 & 명절 시리즈

30. 은행 & 농부 & 학원 시리즈


scribe them to me in detail.
As a matter of fact, I am going to women university. Therefore, all of my classmates are women. Almost everyone have a long hair. Also, they usually wear casual clothes like shirts and jeans. Sometimes, they wear formal like blouses and skirts. Most of them are very outgoing and extroverted, so we are familiar with each other well.
2) You may have good friends. How did you become intimately acquainted with them? Tell me in detail.
Yes, I have good friends. Actually, when I first met them, we weren't familiar with each other because we couldn't know each other well. However, when I broke up with my boyfriend, we have got close to each other. At that time, I struggled with depression because of that problem, but when my friends noticed it, they consoled me. I was so impressed with them and I always appreciate them for consolation.
3) I have a lot of good friends, too. Ask three to four questions to know about my friends.
Where did you first meet your friends?
How did you know them?
What made you decide to be close to them?
29. 건물/장소 & 명절 시리즈
1) What kinds of holidays are there in Korea? Pick one holiday and describe it for me in detail.
Korea has a lot of holidays. We have New Year, Independence Day, Children's Day, Mother and Father's Day, Liberation Day, Foundation Day, Christmas Day and Thanks giving Day. The holiday that I like is Thanks giving Day. Family members usually exchange gifts and play special games. In my opinion, Thanks giving Day is the most important holiday in Korea because almost Korean people can visit their hometown or family.
30. 은행 & 농부 & 학원 시리즈
1) What kind of things do people learn in an educational institute in Korea?
In Korea, because institutes want to promote better education, it exists. Students usually learn a lot of things in an institute. There are several subjects that students can learn. The subjects are Koreans, English, Science, History, Music and art. Because students can learn them in the institute, they can enhance knowledge of these subjects.
2) I would like to know about what you do in an educational institute. Please tell me about all of your activities in detail.
When I frist arrive in the institute, I greet my classmates and then I open books. Sometimes, if I have an assignment, I do it in the institute. When the class starts, I always listen to what my teacher says carefully. When my teacher gives us homework, I always write it.
3) Do you have any difficult experience while you have studied in an educational institute? if so, please tell me about it in detail.
Yes, I have a lot of difficult experiences while I have studied in my educational institute. I think most students have, too. Anyway, when I went to the institute last year, my teacher gave me a lot of homework almost everyday. Actually, when I did this homework, it took at least 5 hours. It made me exhausted. Therefore, I always had a lack of sleep. At that time, I struggled with homework from my institute.


  • 가격2,000
  • 페이지수14페이지
  • 등록일2015.03.16
  • 저작시기2010.7
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#960513
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