연세대학교 전력 및 제어공학 실험 chapter27-30ELECTRIC POWER AND CONTROL ENGINEERING LAB Result-Report
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연세대학교 전력 및 제어공학 실험 chapter27-30ELECTRIC POWER AND CONTROL ENGINEERING LAB Result-Report에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


d) Measure and record in Table 27-1 the armature voltage E_A for each of the listed field currents.

I_F (mA) E_A (V)
0 0
50 25
100 50
150 75
200 90
250 115
300 130
350 140
400 150

f) Can you explain why there is an armature voltage even when the field current is zero? Because the circuit is separated to the shunt field circuit. No matter what happens to shunt field circuit, armature voltage occurs.
5.c) Did the armature voltage reverse its polarity? Yes
6.c) Measure and record the armature voltage. E_A=125Vdc
d) Is the armature voltage approximately the same as in Procedure 4 except for reversed polarity? Yes
7.c) Did the armature voltage reverse its polarity? Yes
8.c) Measure and record the armature voltage. E_A=125Vdc
d) Is the armature voltage approximately the same as in Procedure 4 except for reversed polarity? Yes
10.c) Record the shunt field current I_F. I_F=390mA
11.b) Measure and record E_A and I_A for each of the resistance values listed in the Table.
  • 가격10,000
  • 페이지수17페이지
  • 등록일2018.12.16
  • 저작시기2018.11
  • 파일형식기타(docx)
  • 자료번호#1074376
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