역사 다르게 읽기 그 허와 실에서 본 소설 ( 영원한 제국 영원한제국)
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해당 자료는 4페이지 까지만 미리보기를 제공합니다.
4페이지 이후부터 다운로드 후 확인할 수 있습니다.


1. 포스트 모더니즘 사관에 이르기까지

2. 이인화의 {영원한 제국}과 역사 다르게 보기

3. {영원한 제국}의 허와 실
3.1 {영원한 제국}- 텍스트의 행보는 어디로 향하는가
3.2. 금등지사의 비밀
3.3. 문체반정과 군신간의 갈등

4. 정조 독살설, 어디까지가 진실인가

〈참고한 논저들〉


istory by 'difference' and 'destruction', however, has a few problems. The writer may try to find voices of the alienated and deprived to get it back to them. But his effort can hardly come real because their voices are always construed through the grammars and frameworks of expression which are made by the aquired class. Therefore, writing through deconstruction or writing history based on reading differently to destroy, has intrinsic limits. Nevertheless, we can find some positive merits in this type of writing. Such writings or such tries to do so have, sometimes, opened so good chances to bring the alienated from history back to their legimiate places. Likewise, 'Reading history differently' may be defined as the methodology which has firm intention to rewrite history from the perspectives of the others who has been alienated. Moreover, this way of writing may afford us with some possibility that we can understand history from different aspects, and reflex ourselves in objective ways.
This thesis poses a serious question whether Lee's the Empire of Eternity is written from the perspective of the Other's. When the concept of the Other is taken broadly, it can divided into two groups: the haves and the have-nots of dominating power. Because the book is written through the eyes of Lee, Inmong, whose belonged in Namin(South fraction) being expelled from ruling group, it may make a story of history construed through the perspectives of the Others.
This thesis will analyse some episodes in the text, which are related with the death of the King Jeonjo. The reason is that the book has tried to re-write history and construe the accident of the death of the King, not from the orthodox historical viewpoint, but from a new pespective based on "reading history differently."
Post-modern historians are characterized with their own methodology, on which they try to raise questions based on 'destruction' or 'reading history differently' and to interprete history with new perspectives. Such methodology of their own may, however, cause not so few problems when applied to real world. If we have to admit that the truth can, sometimes, be expressed in voices of the fewer, we have no way to dismiss the voices. Despite of this difficulty, history should be studied without any slightest discontinuity, and we should try to find out some ligitimacy from the history.
Depending upon such point of view mentioned above, the hypothesis that the King Jeongjo was assasinated with poison has not been verified yet, and deserves to even more analysis and evaluation from diverse point of views. Lee's novel is one of the most significant works that has posed some clues to interprete history on critical minds. This thesis concludes that his work be worth of having a new appreciation, and be reevaluated to its due worth, even though not so few criticism have challenged this novel.
Keyword: Postmodernism
Lee, Inwha
Reconsideration of so called assassination of the King Jeongjo
  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수14페이지
  • 등록일2002.08.27
  • 저작시기2002.08
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#202187
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