중국《侵权责任法》상 의료기술손해책임에 관한 고찰
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중국《侵权责任法》상 의료기술손해책임에 관한 고찰에 대한 보고서 자료입니다.


Ⅰ. 시작하며

Ⅱ.《불법행위법(侵权责任法)》상 의료손해책임의 형성과 체계

Ⅲ. 의료기술손해책임의 특징과 유형

Ⅳ. 의료기술손해책임의 구성요건과 배상범위

Ⅴ. 맺으며


료사고와 같이 그 과학기술의 발전이 법제도를 앞서가는 첨단과학분야에 있어서는 현실적 법적용이라는 문제점이 나타나기 마련이다. 이러한 점에서 10여년의 준비로 제정한《불법행위법(侵任法)》의 현실적 법적용에 있어 문제점이 하나둘 나타나고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 중국의《불법행위법(侵任法)》 제7장 의료손해책임의 유형 중 하나인 ‘의료기술손해책임’에 대하여 검토한다. 의료기술손해는 의료분쟁 중 가장 빈번하게 발생하는 유형으로써, (1)의료기술손해의 개념과 특징, (2)의료기술손해의 유형, (3)의료기술손해의 성립요건, (4)의료기술손해에 대한 책임형태와 배상범위를 사례를 중심으로 검토한다. 이러한 검토를 통하여 중국의 현재 의료기술손해에 대한 법률적 문제점과 시사점을 아울러 알아본다.
주요어: 중국민법, 중국불법행위법, 의료분쟁, 의료기술손해책임, 귀책원칙
Liability for Medical Technology Damage in Chinese Tort Law
Through the rapid economic development, Chinese people have changed their concerns on the richer and healthier life as well as welfare. Correspondingly, the policy and legislation by Chinese government have been changed to focus more on People’s welfare, culture and service, than the public security or basic livelihood security in accordance with the economic development in the past. The improvement of policy and legislation related to medical dispute settlement stemmed from the development of medical technology is in the center of this change. Particularly, passed by National People’s Congress of China in December of 2009 was the fruity for the 18-year-effort in order to complete Civil Law since China enacted in 1986. In the past, medical dispute was resolved in accordance with . From the perspective of the compensation for the medical accident, it was not the true sense of the compensation since the administrative regulation, but not the civil law, was applied to civil affairs issues. However, legalization of ‘liability for medical damage’ brought to unprecedented development of legislation in China. So China has confidence that this law will have a great effect on the improvement of the People’s lives and welfare.
Nevertheless, it is inevitable to face the problem about the practical application of law, especially in the dispute of the high tech science field like medical accident where the development of scientific technology is advanced for the development of law system. In this sense, the problem of the application of Chinese Tort Law in reality is starting to come to the front. Thus, the study will review the Chapter 7 of Chinese Tort Law that is about ‘the liability for medical technology damage’ as a type of liability of medical damage. Medical technology damage happens the most frequently among the medical disputes. So the study examines 1) the concept and features of medical technology damage, 2) the types of medical technology damage, 3) requisite for establishment of medical technology damage, and 4) the type of liability and scope of compensation of medical technology damage, by giving specific cases. Besides, the study also investigates the legal problem and implication for the present medical technology damage in China.
Key words: Chinese Civil Law, Chinese Tort Law, medical dispute, liability for medical technology damage, principles of imputability
  • 가격4,000
  • 페이지수21페이지
  • 등록일2014.04.12
  • 저작시기2014.2
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#913095
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