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□ 제 목 : 상관연구(유아)
□ 총 페이지수 : 19
□ 목 차:
2.연구사례(유아의 인기도에 따른 스트레스 행동 연구)

3.목차(사례연구에 대한 목차입니다)
1)서론 - 연구의필요성과 목적
- 연구문제
2)이론적 배경 - 유아의 또래간 인기도
- 유아의 스트레스 행동
- 유아의 또래관계와 스트레스 행동
3)연구방법 연구대상
4)연구결과 및 해석
5)논의 및 결론

*한글2002로 작성하였습니다.한글97에서는 보이지 않습니다.

님이 요청하신 자료와 같은 요청이 몇번인가 올라온것을 보고 응답하기
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이자료가 님이 원하시는것과 꼭 맞지 않을지도 모릅니다.

레포트용으로 작성하지는 않았으니 님이 손을 조금 보셔야 할겁니다.
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이자료를 찾으면서 많은 유아교육에 관한 자료를 모았습니다......
님덕분에 제가 공부를 했군요.


sychology, 48, 257-67.
Vosk, B., Forehnd, R., Parker. J. B. & Richard. K. A.(1982). Multimethod comparision of popular and unpopular children. Developmental psychology, 18, 571-75.
Warm, R.(1984). Improving stress-related behavioral indicators in the preschool classroom through prevention and intervention. ERIC Document No. ED. 307 049.
Zimiles, H.(1986). The social context of early childhood in arers of expanding preschool education. In B. Spodek.(Eds). Today's kindergarten: explring the knowledge base, expanding the curriculum. New York: Teacher College Press.

Oh, Young-hee Ohm, Jung-ae
The purpose of this study is to find the differences of the stress behaviors of children by their sociometric status, and to find the differences in stress benviors between popular children and unpopular children by types of their classroom activities in the kindergarten.
For such purpose of study, the following questions have been made:
1. Is there any difference in the stress behaviors of the children by their sociometric status?
2. Is there any difference in the stress behaviors of popular children and unpopular children by types of their class activities in the kindergarten?
The subjects of this study are 40 children consisting of 20 popular children (each 10 of boys and girls) and 20 unpopular children (each 10 of boys and girls) selected through two times of popularity test, out of 67 children of two 5-year classes in the kindergarten located in "A" city, Kyungki-do, Korea to which the children in middle or higher classes attend.
As a studying took, the peer rating scale created by Asher et al. (1979) for measuring the sociometric status of the children has been used, and the Classroom child Stress Behavior Instruction(CCSBI) created by Burts et al. for observing the stress behaviors of children. Based on the observed data, the frequency, percentage and correlation have been gainded using the t-test.
The results of this study are shown as follows:
1. There is meaningful difference by sociometric status in the stress behaviors of children. Unpopular children group shows the whole stress behaviors much more than the popular children group. Thus, it is notably different that the passive stress behaviors, self-with-self stress behaviors, self-with-others stress behaviors and self-with object stress behaviors are shown more in the unpopular children group than the popular children group.
2. The difference between the stress behaviors of popular children and unpopular children by types of the classroom activities is shown notably in the individual group activities and small group activities led by the children, and the whole group activities led by a teacher. In detail, attentive differences are shown between the stress behaviors of the popular group and unpopular group through free choice time, transfer time, story telling time, sing a song time, listening to music time and game time.
  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수18페이지
  • 등록일2002.05.18
  • 저작시기2002.05
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#194675
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