자립형 사립고등학교의 운영모델 탐색
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I. 서 론

II. 자립형 사립고등학교의 의미

III. 자립형 사립고등학교의 제안배경

IV. 자립형 사립고등학교의 기능과 역할

V. 자립형 사립고등학교의 기대효과
1. 긍정적인 효과
2. 부정적인 효과

VI. 자립형 사립고등학교의 운영모델 탐색
1. 자립형 사립고등학교의 추진방향
2. 자립형 사립고등학교의 운영모델 구상
가. 자립형 사립고등학교의 운영모델
1) 자립형 사립고등학교
2) 상급기관의 관리체제
3) 학생의 선발권
4) 학생정원
5) 교육과정 운영
6) 학교조직
7) 교원인사
8) 학교시설 설비
9) 재정관리
나. 준자립형 사립고등학교의 운영모델
1) 준자립형 사립고등학교
2) 상급기관의 관리체제
3) 학생의 선발권
4) 학생정원
5) 교육과정 운영
6) 학교조직
7) 교원인사
8) 학교시설 설비
9) 재정관리

Ⅶ. 결 어
참 고 문 헌


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Hargreaves, David H.(1996.2) "A Reply to Walford." Oxford Review of Education, Volume 22, No. 2. pp. 155-160.
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Hill, Paul T.(1996.6) " The Educational Consequences of Choice." Phi Delta Kappan, Volume 77, No. 10. pp. 671-675.
Innerst, Carol(1997.4). "The Reality Behind the Few Failures." http:// www.edreform.com /pubs/chartv.htm
Liebmant, James S.(1992) "Voice, Not Choice." The Yale Law Journal, pp. 259-314
Martinez, Valerie J.(1995.9) "The Consequences of School Choice: Who Leaves and Who Stays in the Inner City." Social Science Quarterly, Volume 76, No 3. pp. 485-505.
Matland, Richard E.(1995.9) "Exit, Voice, Loyalty,and Neglect in an Urban School System." Social Science Quarterly, Volume 76, No.3, pp. 506-526.
Meier, Kenneth J. and Smith, Kevin B.(1995.11) "School Choice: Panacea or Pandora's Box?." Phi Delta KAPPAN, pp. 312-316.
Rogers, Tim and Byrne, David(1996.5) "Divided Spaces - Divided School: An Exploration of the Spatial Relations of Social Division." Sociological Research Online, Vol.1,No.2, pp. 1-15. http://www. socresonline.org.uk /socresonline/1/2/3.htm1.
Tovey, Roberta(1995.9) "School Choice and Racial/Class Inequities." The Education Digest, pp. 14-19.
Walford, Geoffrey(1996.2) "Diversity and Choice in School Education: an alternative view." Oxford Review of Education, Volume 22, No. 2. pp. 143-154.
Modeling for Self-managing Private High Schools
Choi, Joon Yul (Woosuk University)
Kim, Sung Yul (Kyungnam University)
This study aimed at modeling for self-managing private high schools. The private high schools in Korea are managed mainly by the government. Therefore, they can manage their schools by themselves.
This study reviewed meanings of the self-managing private high schools, backgrounds of the self-managing private high schools suggested by the Education Reform Commission, their functions and roles, and their effects. On the base of the above research, models of self-managing private high schools were made.
Two types of models were made. The first model is the self-managing private high school. These schools can manage their schools by themselves without governmental support. The schools can select students, decide the tuition and fee, and can manage their school systems and curriculum on the base of the governmental basic guideline. They, however, can not expect the governmental financial support.
The second type of model is the pro self-managing private high school. These high schools need the governmental grants and want their own leadership because their foundations have not enough money for their schools. These type of schools can controlled partly by the government and partly by them.


  • 가격3,300
  • 페이지수24페이지
  • 등록일2002.09.15
  • 저작시기2002.09
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#203302
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