미래교육에 대한 고찰 ( 열린교육에 대하여 )
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해당 자료는 2페이지 까지만 미리보기를 제공합니다.
2페이지 이후부터 다운로드 후 확인할 수 있습니다.


1. 교육에 대한 단상
1)한국 사회에서의 교육 문제
2) 교육과 사회의 연관성
2. 열린 학교Open Education
2)써머힐 학교 Summerhill School
3) 키노쿠니 어린이마을학원 木の國子どもの村學園
3. 열린 학교의 문제점
1) 개념의 모호성
2) 비사회화 非社會化


The Summer Hill school was founded by A.S. Niel at 70 yrs ago. He thought their
are no problems child, just there are problem parents and problem schools. He respected
children's free will and their senses. And he says that Freedom is possible.
< educational system>>
The meeting of Judgement 1
24th, June, 1997
chairman : Olly / clerk : Risy / new chairman : Jake / new clerk : Yuko
Ombusman is as a public prosecutor in society and selected as ombusman in students
who is over 12 years old, entered before more 2 semesters and 3 in a week who want
to be.
-cases brought a law suit by ombusman-
1. Yuko's suit : Yu pushed roughly Yuko
Judgment : Yu should stand the end of line when he distributed the dinner.
-cases brought a law suit by the public-
2. Pashuan's suit : Leo teased her
Judgment : Leo cannot eat biscuit in tea time.
3. Jemi's suit : Mongan and Jhonny paid money and let the others do some boring
work which they had to do
Judgment : Fine as much as they had paid.
Kinokuni child village school 木の國子どもの村學園
The school was pounded by prof. Hori 堀直一郞. It was taken of Summer hill school
system and Dewey's "intellected freedom" and "learning by doing" ideas. And at least,
there was made the suitable system in Japan situation. Briefly see the composed rate of
education system.
1) project (experience learning) : 50%
2) basic studying : 20% learning language and number
3) activity of free choice : 20%
4) meeting of class : 10%
problems of open education
1. not matching with the competitive society
Summer Hill school also had changed their system as getting competitive power
2. without systematic teaching can spoil children
3. If you are a teacher...choose "a student" or "a class"?
  • 가격1,300
  • 페이지수8페이지
  • 등록일2002.10.06
  • 저작시기2002.10
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#205547
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