P2P를 적용한 인터넷비즈니스의 가능성에 관한 연구(전자상거래)
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1. 서론

2. P2P의 개요
2.1 P2P의 정의 및 개념
2.2 P2P의 특징

3. P2P방식에 관한 고찰
3.1 중앙집중식 서버 방식과 P2P 방식의 비교
3.2 순수(Pure) P2P 와 변형(Hybrid)P2P
3.3. P2P의 문제점

4. P2P의 비즈니스 가능성을 위한 실증 분석
4.1 소비자 인식도 설문조사
4.2 P2P의 SWOT분석

5. 결론 및 향후 연구과제



Files and Meet the RIAA ". 2000. 11.
[13] Ganchev. Philip, " Clusters - a Pro posed Topology for a Peer-to-Peer Network ". University of Pittsburgh, 2000. 10.
[14] Internet World News. "My. MP3 Is Back and a Lot More Expensive" .2000. 12.
[15] Karney, James, " Ray Ozzie Demos Highly Anticipated Groupware Tool". 2000. 10.
[16] Lyons, " Hush Hush". Forbes. New York. 2000. 10.
[17] Merrill Lynch, "The Decentralized Web - Peer to Peer Internetworking Joins Browser-Based Computing". 2000. 6..
[18] Mickey. Bill, "Swapping files. Swapping edition". Online. Wilton. 2000. 11
[19] Sherman. Chris, "Napster: Copyright killer or distribution hero ". Online. Wilton, 2000. 12.
[20] Spangler. Todd, "The Napster Mirage". Inter@ctive Week.2000. 8.
[21] Petruzzi, Mike, Sherwood, Rob. Dunnivan, John. Chavez, Rob. Holley, Pat. "Security Concerns for Peer-to-Peer Software",2000. 7.
[22] Winkle. William Van," Can you be a merchant vender ?". home office computing, 2000. 11.
A Study on the Possibility of
applying P2P(Peer to Peer) to Internet Business
Hyung Nam Moon, Eun Jeong An
The objective of this study is to analyze the important factors of P2P for the search of the possibility of Internet business to which P2P(Peer-to-Peer), a networking by means of personal computers, is applied, and then to verify and propose the possibility of the P2P business model.
This study was carried out this way: First, P2P was investigated on the basis of the theoretical background of other studies. Second, a questionnaire about consumer's recognition degree of the possibility of P2P business was conducted, the responses and the results of those studies were analytically compared. Third, the utilization and development direction of P2P was proposed through SWOT(Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat) analysis of the major factors of P2P.
The result of SWOT analysis of P2P business model showed 'Strength', 'Weakness', 'Opportunity' and 'Threat' as follows : The Strength was 'independence of server', 'vastness of sharing information', 'user-centric service', 'minimization of marketing and transaction cost', 'real timing', 'popularity' and 'possibility of the sharing of CPU and storage'. The Weakness was 'instability of system', 'impossibility of control', 'traffic over-loading due to continued access', 'shortage of mutual trust', and 'monetary charge of service'.
Solution Requisites for Opportunity were 'limitation of server-centric network', 'capacity limitation of storage and additional cost', 'high marketing cost', and 'limitation of the possibility of the sharing by the existing method'. Threat Factors were 'possibility of being hacked', 'possibility of computer virus-spreading', 'outflow of personal information', 'infringement of copyrights', and 'negative thinking of users'.
For the development of P2P, time, continued study and attempts are needed. The field of P2P's application is very large and it will become a powerful tool depending upon its application methods.
  • 가격2,300
  • 페이지수13페이지
  • 등록일2002.10.21
  • 저작시기2002.10
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#207639
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