근대극 태동기의 전통 수용 연구(박승희의 <이 大監 망할 大監>을 중심)
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2. 한국연극사의 전통논의
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작품은 민속극이 단절되지 않고 서구극과의 영향관계 속에서 근대극으로 이행하는 과정의 일면을 보여주고 있다.
한국 근대극에 있어서 전통 수용 양상의 규명은 한국 연극의 뿌리찾기이며 동시에 그 핵심에 도달하는 열쇠다. 본고에서는 일차적으로 근대극 태동기를 중심으로 전통 수용 양상을 살펴보았다. 그러나 논의의 대상이 한정되어 있기 때문에 근대극 전반에 걸친 전통 수용 양상을 규명하는 자리에 이르지 못하였다. 이어지는 연구과정을 통해 본고의 미흡한 점을 보완하기로 하겠다.
1. 자료
朴勝喜, <이 大監 망할 大監>, 『公演藝術硏究所 論文集』 창간호, 단국대학교부설 공연예술연구소, 1995.
2. 단행본
金在喆, 『朝鮮演劇史』, 民學社, 1933.
金允植·김현, 『韓國文學史』, 民音社, 1984.
朴 晃, 『唱劇史硏究』, 白鹿出版社, 1976.
成耆兆, 『韓國文學과 傳統論議』, 신원문화사, 1989.
柳敏榮, 『開化期演劇社會史』, 새문사, 1987.
―――, 『韓國劇場史』, 한길사, 1982.
―――, 『韓國近代演劇史』, 단국대학교출판부, 1996.
李杜鉉, 『韓國演劇史』, 學硏社, 1973.
이미원, 『한국 근대극 연구』, 현대미학사, 1994.
조동일, 『한국문학통사』 4, 5, 지식산업사, 1995.
3. 논문
金炳翼, 「韓國文學과 傳統」, 『狀況과 想像力』, 문학과지성사, 1988.
金元重, 「土月會의 상징적인 희곡문학」, 『현대시학』, 1981.1.
史眞實, 「韓國演劇의 話劇的 傳統 考察」, 『한국극예술연구』 제1집, 태동, 1991.
서대석·최정여, 「거리굿의 연극적 고찰」, 『동해안무가』, 형설출판사, 1974.
양승국, 「신연극과 <은세계> 공연의 의미」, 『한국현대문학연구』 제6집, 월인, 1998.
柳敏榮, 「日帝의 倂呑과 傳統演戱」, 『國樂院論文集』 제6집, 國立國樂院, 1994.
황루시, 「무당굿놀이 연구」, 博士學位請求論文, 이화여자대학교 대학원, 1987.
A Study on the Accommodation of the Dramatic Tradition in the early Korean Modern Drama
-On His Excellency, the Vicious Excellency written by Park, Seung-hee-
Kim, Seung-Ock
This thesis is aimed at overcoming the disrupted situation of Korean drama and at continuing its mainstream. Since the modern drama of the West was introduced via Japan, the Korean drama had been seperately debated between the traditional drama and the modern drama. However, the emergence of the idea that safeguards the traditional culture of our country has served to excavate and represent much of our forgotten traditional plays. And such a work began from the early 1970s. The accommodation of our dramatic tradition and the experiment for recreating them are said to be both the search for the origin of the Korean drama and the key knowing the gist of it. In this context, the aim of this thesis, the process of confirming the link between Korean traditional drama and the modern drama starts.
The summary of the contents in the every chapter is like this. The second chapter's focus is especially on the historical background of how the debate of succeeding the tradition has been come up with and on what the methodological solution will be to quiet the debate.
In the third chapter, the main process is about the degree of the possibilty regarding the accommodation of the dramatic tradition represented in the early Korean modern drama. His Excellency, the Vicious Excellency written by Park, Seung-hee and performed at the Towoel Dramatic Group in 1928 was the play that borrowed its main plot and its comic element form a classic, The Biographical Story of Bae Bijang. Therefore, the play was characterised with satire and comicism, which can be said the essence of our classics.
In the conclusion, all the above debates are integrated enough to confirm that the traditional line of our drama has been existing, although the line was regarded as completely interrupted since the days we Koreans opened its doors to the foreign countries.


한국,   연극사,   공연
  • 가격3,300
  • 페이지수28페이지
  • 등록일2002.11.24
  • 저작시기2002.11
  • 파일형식한글(hwp)
  • 자료번호#213012
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